Some people tend to believe that the industrialmayonnaise is not suitable for internal use. Such mayonnaise, they say, can cause stomach upsets and other problems. Also, the skin and hair lose their healthy appearance and become fat (sometimes there are blackheads).

Usually mayonnaise is a very high-calorie product, so after eating it goes to spoil your figure in the area of ​​the sides and waist. How to replace mayonnaise?

There are sauces that replace mayonnaise in full. Now we will learn how to cook them.

Recipe # 1

Take the classic yogurt and mix it with 5%cottage cheese (3: 1). Yogurt should be unsweetened. In the resulting mixture, add a little parsley, dill and garlic. This sauce perfectly fits to potatoes, meat and fish.

How to replace mayonnaise in salads? For salad dressing, you can take the same yogurt and mix it with balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, herbs and garlic. Proportion is selected independently.

Recipe # 2

We fall asleep with parsley with garlic in a blender, carefullywe grind them (before the appearance of juice), add a little olive oil and a couple drops of wine vinegar. This sauce is great for meat and baked vegetables.

For those who do not like sauces and the question - what can replace the mayonnaise response has not yet found, we can offer a recipe of this home-made low-fat mayonnaise.

Recipe # 3

We need 3 yolks, 1 h.l spoon of mustard, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, salt, 4 drops of lemon juice and pepper. Put the yolks in a bowl, add vinegar to them and cook it in a water bath. When the mixture is warmed, remove it and start whipping actively. Beat until the mass is completely cooled.

In a separate bowl, mix the salt, mustard, pepper and lemon juice. After mixing, add the resulting seasoning to the yolks and mix again. It is necessary to stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Your homemade mayonnaise is ready! A few more recipes for homemade mayonnaise you can find in our article "How to make homemade mayonnaise?".

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