Squid meat, peeled from films, possessesgentle taste and is considered a delicacy. But many housewives do not know how to clean squid and therefore refuse to buy them. But it's quite simple!

To get rid of the entrails grab the head of the squid along with the tentacles with your fingers and pull. After that, grope the chitin plate located inside the carcass and pull it out with your fingers.

Next, put on the table two smallenamelled bowls. Put squid carcasses in one, and pour cold water into the second and add finely chopped ice. Squid pour boiling water, mix them with a fork and immediately put in ice water so that they do not have time to cook ahead of time.

After that, grab the tip of the film with your fingernail and gently pull it. The film is easily removed, like a sock. After that, peeled squid carcasses thoroughly dry with a paper towel.

If you have frozen squid, thenput in a bowl and pour boiling water. Leave it for five minutes. After that, they start cleaning them under running water, removing the viscera and films.

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