Squid is a delicacy, especially forof the Russian consumer. Therefore, squids cost a lot. In order not to spoil your precious food on the very first day and tasty to dine or have supper, you need to know how to properly cook squid.

The main problem that you faceafter provarki squids - this is their rigidity. It is known that squid can be eaten even raw, so it is impossible to disinfect them in principle. Squid cooked no more than three minutes, sometimes even no more than a half minutes. In addition, for the purchase of squid special softness, before cooking squid soaked in a solution of vinegar with water or a solution of lemon juice with water. However, it is believed that even when soaked squid will strongly resemble rubber.

There is a recipe that does not imply the cooking of squid, although according to reviews of gourmets, this way of making makes colmar "melting in the mouth." Here is the prescription:

  • Pour a little sunflower-seed oil on a frying pan and reheat it.
  • We put the chopped onion into a frying pan and fry it until it is red.
  • Add to the chopped sliced ​​squid (raw) and one cut tomato or tomato paste.
  • Add any spices to taste.
  • For extinguishing add a little water.
  • Stew about 45 minutes.
  • 20 minutes before the dish is ready, you need to salt it.
  • You can add, for example, frozen vegetables during extinguishing.

Here is another recipe for cooking squid, after which the colmar become tender and soft:

  • Mix 500 gr. Colmar, cut into rings, with 2 tablespoons of oil and 1 tablespoon of green peppercorns. These peas are usually sold in supermarkets in the departments of Asian products. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes.
  • Preheat a frying pan with a thick bottom to a hot state. Add 2 tablespoons of oil from the marinade, 1 teaspoon chopped chili and 4 chopped garlic cloves.
  • Fry the mixture for a maximum of 5 SECONDS.
  • Add a little mixture of squid and fry, continuously stirring for 2 minutes.
  • Put on a plate and set aside.
  • Take the next part of the mixture from squid.
  • Fry each batch gradually, following the above instructions.
  • Before preparing each batch, do not forget to scorch the frying pan until a "haze" appears above the surface.
  • When the whole mixture of squid is fried, add the fish sauce (2 tablespoons) and soy sauce (2 teaspoons) to the pan.
  • Bring the contents of the frying pan to a boil.
  • Drizzle with the boiling sauce squid.
  • Add half a glass of fresh basil leaves (on our counters this is usually a lemon balm).
  • To put on the table
  • As a side dish, use steamed rice.

Here are just some recipes for how to cook squid properly. Enjoy your meal.

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