There are many recipes for the fact thatcook from pork. But, despite this, the everyday table of our compatriots does not break from the delights and masterpieces of culinary craftsmanship. Preparation of pilau from pork seems to be a time consuming and powerful task, and the usual goulash from pork is already bored ... What should I do? How to diversify the daily menu? We offer several recipes that will be useful, if you want to arrange a small "belly feast" in the middle of the week or in case unexpected guests come to you.

Save time and effort

How delicious to cook pork without spending a lot of time and energy?

Pork in the sleeve

The simplest and at the same time delicious recipepork - pork in the sleeve. For its preparation, you need only a good piece of pork (about half a kilo) without bone, for example a neck, salt, pepper and a sleeve for baking, if desired, you can add garlic, 4 cloves.

Meat can be cut, but you can bake the whole pieceentirely, but the bigger the piece, the longer it will be ready. We rub the meat with salt and pepper, for garlic we make small cuts and insert the pieces there (we cut the denticles into slices), put them into the sleeve for baking and cover the edges of the sleeve with thread or wire. Put the sleeve with the pork on the baking tray and bake in the oven at 200 degrees. Not very large pieces will be ready in 30-40 minutes, a whole piece will be prepared for about an hour.

Pork in French

Another way to cook delicious porkand do not spend a whole day on it - cook pork in French. For its preparation, you can take pork escalopes that have already been cut, or cut the meat yourself large pieces of about 1 centimeter thick.

Piece of pork to discourage so that they become softer andquickly prepared. Grate with salt and pepper and spread on a baking sheet. On top of the meat put onions, cut into thin rings or semirings. If you do not eat onions, you can do without it, instead of it you can put slices of fresh tomato without skin. At the top, pour the meat and onions with mayonnaise and lay the last layer of grated cheese on a large grater. Bake for about 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Readiness of pork in French can be determined by a ruddy cheese crust.

Cooking interesting and unusual

How to cook delicious pork yet?

Pork in batter

Recipe that will take more time and effort,because the plate can not go away, as it would be with an oven - pork in a dough or pork in batter. For her, you need to cook a batter - a batter. 700 grams of pork will require a glass of flour, two-thirds of a glass of milk, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and salt to taste.

Mix flour with warm milk, add eggs,salt and oil, mix thoroughly and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you can repel pork (escalopes or small pieces about a centimeter thick), each piece slightly salt and pepper, then dipped in a dough and put on a heated pan with vegetable oil. Fry on each side until a ruddy crust.

Pork Tubules

To surprise visitors it is possible and one more recipe -tubules of pork. This is one of the most interesting recipes of what you can cook from pork, and even with stuffing. So, for pork tubules, we need half a kilogram of pork, cut into strata and beaten, each piece is rubbed with salt and pepper, we put everything in a bowl and pour the marinade (apple cider vinegar with water and onions, lemon or pomegranate juice).

We leave the meat to marinate for half an hour and makestuffing. 3-4 mushrooms washed and cut into cubes (you can take frozen, then they must be defrosted and dried beforehand), fry the finely chopped onion (one onion), add champignons and stir. After 10 minutes, pour onion and mushrooms with sour cream or fatty cream and simmer until part of the sauce has evaporated. Then add finely chopped parsley and dill. Ready-made stuffing wrapped in pieces of meat, forming tubules so that the filling was inside. Then we roll each tube in an egg and flour and fry it in a heated frying pan to a crispy crust.

Bon Appetit!

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