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We are waiting for the summer months in anticipation of a hugenumber of ripe fruits and berries. Strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, gooseberries, apples, pears ... All this is growing in abundance in our gardens and orchards. But, undoubtedly, we love such a berry as a watermelon. How to grow a watermelon? Most often people think that this is a fruit, but this is the biggest misconception. Watermelon - a real berry.

How to grow a watermelon in the country? This is probably one of the main questions that gardeners are asking - amateurs (and professionals too). But just growing a watermelon is easy, but that he grew up ripe and sweet - here you have to try.

How to grow a watermelon in the suburbs? To begin with, you need to know what this plant needs for full growth. The main criteria are good lighting, low humidity and a warm climate. In the southern regions of the country there are no problems with this, but how to grow a watermelon in Belarus and in the middle zone is a rather serious issue. For the middle band you need a greenhouse. It must be prepared in the autumn, so that by the time of spring, at the time of planting, there were no difficulties. And this will solve the problem of how to grow watermelons correctly. Install the greenhouse in a well-lit place, as the key to success is light, so the area near the trees does not fit uniquely. In the autumn months it is advisable to properly fertilize the ground with the manure that has been dumped and add a bit of mown grass. Every year the place of planting is recommended to be changed, as it is very difficult to achieve a good harvest on the same soil.

With the coming of spring, when everything is ready,you should take care of buying the watermelon seeds directly. Sorts should be chosen such that are suitable for medium latitudes. Long ripening for our area will not work, but early ripening varieties can fail. When buying, it is necessary to ask where these seeds come from, since if they were brought from the southern regions of Russia, in our soil they may simply not get accustomed. For our soil, such varieties as Sugar Toddler and Ogonek are suitable.

How to grow watermelon seedlings

With the arrival of the spring months, they start landingwatermelons. First of all, they do seedlings, since frosts can destroy such fragile seeds. Initially, watermelon is grown in pots 12-15 centimeters in diameter. Seeds are first soaked in warm water of fifty degrees Celsius for ten minutes. Then they are in the water until sprouts grow. Even after they are planted in pots to a depth of about 3-4 centimeters and wait for sprouting. The temperature regime necessary for seedlings - day 23 C, at night 18 C. After emergence, the temperature is gradually reduced to 18 C around the clock and after 4-5 days planted in greenhouses.

Since it is desirable to cook greenhouses in advance,it turns out that in fact we are planting a watermelon in the already prepared soil. But still you can first once again fertilize the land with manure, the most important thing is that the watermelon with manure does not come into contact. The first days require abundant watering (watermelons like a lot of moisture), but as soon as it blooms, excessive watering should be stopped, otherwise it will grow insipid.

Next, you should wait until the fruits are ripe. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 25-30 degrees, abundant watering should be stopped and daily airing the hotbed in the daytime. At night, all the windows of the greenhouse must be closed tightly to avoid hypothermia. And also it is necessary to ensure that condensate does not form in the greenhouse, since its presence in the greenhouse indicates too high humidity, which is harmful for watermelons. They mature about 70 days after planting.

If you did not manage to grow the first timea ripe, juicy watermelon, do not despair and despair. Next year, you will certainly take into account all the mistakes and will enjoy an excellent watermelon crop. In the meantime, you should rejoice that you have grown, because you have put so much effort into this.

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