Rarely, but still there are situations whereeven the most basic information, for example, the date of birth, is unknown to a person. Let's talk about how it can be found out, where and to whom to turn for help in search of an answer.

How to know your birthday: ways to

  • If you suddenly forget when you were born, you can look into your personal documents - almost all documents state the date of birth (for example, in the birth certificate or in the passport).
  • The child can learn the date of birth from his parents or other close relatives.
  • You can also ask for help in your maternity hospital -in such institutions, data on all born children should be kept. You can find out not only the full date of your birth, but also hours and minutes.
  • Such information is also stored in the registry office, so you can also go there for help. However, it is not so easy to get information there.

Perhaps, these are all ways that you, at leastsomehow help. When applying to the registry office or maternity hospital, it is necessary to give as much useful information as possible about the person sought, in order to facilitate the search among the set of data about other people.

Rectification of the horoscope

It often happens that at birth they write downinaccurate date of birth of the child, making mistakes in minutes. But if you want to compile a detailed and precise natal chart for a person, you need to determine the birth time as accurately as possible, because the difference even in a few minutes can significantly affect the horoscope. How do I know the exact date of my birth? Rectification of the horoscope allows you to specify the time of birth for events in human life.

There are several ways of rectification,for example, rectification by transit, primary and secondary directorates, Bonatti's method, etc. You can find more detailed information on each method and try to independently carry out rectification or seek help from an astrologer. For qualitative rectification, you will need to provide your astrologer with a photograph (if you do not know the time of birth) and information about 7-9 important events in your life. Important, for example, are the dates of such events: marriage or divorce of parents, the death of one of the parents, the birth of a brother or sister, an important move, the onset of a severe illness, etc.

Where before it was possible to find out the date of birth?

Since the beginning of the XVIII century and until the beginning of XX,metric books - registers, in which acts of civil status (birth, marriage, death) were recorded. Such books were conducted in the parishes of the church, and civil officials and clergy engaged in it.

Since the metric books consisted of threeparts, they were often also called tripartite. The first part was devoted to the born. Everyone born in the metric book had its ordinal number, then the full date of birth and baptism was indicated, then the sex, name, residence, estate, ownership, religion, data about biological parents. If the child was born illegally, then this was also indicated in the metric book. After that, we recorded data on godparents.

After the revolution, metric books were conducted onlygovernment officials. Due to the changes, some of the metric records were lost, some dates are mixed up, some marriages, births and deaths were not recorded.

On September 16, 1918, the Code on Civil Status Acts was adopted, the registrar's offices appeared, and subsequently registered births, marriages and deaths.

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