Earned and felt that you need to rest? It's time to write a vacation application and go on a well deserved vacation! We will now tell you how.

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper, a pen and in the upper right corner of the sheet, write on the first line the name of the organization in which you work.
  2. Further under this line also in the upper right corner indicate the following: "Director (Acting Director initials and surname in full).
  3. On the third line in the upper right corner, write down "from (post, your full name in the genitive case)" The first three lines should be on the upper right of the application.
  4. Further on in the middle of a sheet write the word "statement" with a small letter and put a period.
  5. Below write across the entire width of the sheet the following: "Please provide me with an annual basic paid vacation from (specify the full date) to (indicate the full date) 2012 (or whatever you need) a year."
  6. In the bottom left corner after the text, put the full date of writing the application, in the lower right - its signature.

That's all! As you can see, nothing complicated. Now you know how to write a vacation application. The instructions given by us are suitable for writing an application for another paid vacation. If you want to go on maternity leave, leave at your own expense, etc., the content of the application can vary. How to write a vacation application in these situations, you can find out from your employer, or use the sample forms that are freely available on the Internet.

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