How to name a child for the holies?
Choosing a name for a child is not so easy. I want to choose a beautiful, suitable name. But at the same time, those who believe in the meaning of names try to find a name that reflects the important traits of a person's character. Others prefer to name the child by the sign of the zodiac. And for someone it is important to name the child according to the church calendar. Today, let us explain how to name a child by the saints, how to choose the right name.
Choose a name for the holies
It is about the church calendar today that will gospeech. The Saints is a calendar where the days of the memory of the saints and the church holidays are recorded. In other words, it is called the month's word. What are the parents guided by when choosing a name for the child on this principle? Most often they want to name the baby according to the saints, because they believe that the saint, in whose honor the baby is named, will be an intercessor, a heavenly patron and an angel-guardian of the child. Being already an adult, a person can turn to the saint for prayer help. Many rare names for today just appear in this way, because we forget about the old Russian names, such as Uliana, Timothy, Makar or Varvara.
How to properly name a child for the holies
It turns out that it is not enough to look into the churchcalendar and look at the child's date of birth. Take it seriously. You should not be guided the day when the baby was born, and choose the eighth day from his birth. Why the eighth? Because in Orthodoxy on the eighth day they baptized children and gave them names.
What to do if on the eighth day from birthA child has no name, or is the memory of saints of the opposite sex commemorated on this date? How to name a child for the holies then? Do not be upset. Look in the church calendar and look at the fortieth day from the birth of the child. In some cases, when children were born very strong and healthy, they were baptized on the fortieth day. Refer to the Orthodox calendar of names and see how to name the child according to the holies.
Do not forget that Orthodoxy is not a vaultlaws and regulations. The main thing is faith, it is important to accept religion with your heart and soul. And if there is not in the right date the name of the saint, name your baby the way your heart tells you. Maybe you felt that the baby should be named after St. Sergius, call it! Listen to yourself and your feelings.