Already the very fact of installing metal-plastic windowsprovides that the trouble in the form of blowing should fall away. After all, with the right selection of profile, the thickness of the package, the perfect installation and adjustment of the window, you do not need to get cold into your room. After all, and put such windows just in order to maximize the heat.

But most of the owners who installednew windows, eventually start to think about how to insulate plastic windows. Next, we will talk about the causes of insufficient thermal insulation and how to eliminate them.

Erroneous profiles or double-glazed windows

It is a big mistake to believe that the pledge of heat -thick profile. In fact, the winter plastic windows lose heat after all through the glass! That is why, if winters are harsh, take energy-saving packages. They have sufficient thickness, sputtering, gas and do not have metal fasteners.

Wrong installation

Perhaps they regretted the foam, and the cracks between the slopesunpleasantly "ventilated", there may be gaps between the window and the window sill. If you blow from plastic windows, the exit is one, radical: do not insulate the window, and reinstall it. If you are not ready for such serious actions, lay down the cracks with a sealant, this can be done on your own.

If the foam has deteriorated

After years, five to sixstart trouble with the mounting foam: it begins to crumble, crumble and no longer works as a good sealant. Plastic windows can start to blow out because of spoiled foam and earlier, if the slopes fit badly. In this case, everything is simple - you should remove the bad foam and fix the windows again.

Sealants proved to be substandard

Bad rubber seals can alsotime to lose one's qualities and begin to let the chilling cold into your home. For this reason, even plastic windows inside the room freeze out if the temperatures outside the window are very low. Well, if your windows are under warranty and you can contact the company with a legal requirement to replace the seals. If it does not, you yourself have to buy seals and change them.

The bushing does not adhere to the base

This is the most frequent reason for such a problem, whenblowing out of plastic windows. The bushing does not fit tightly to its base, and therefore cold penetrates the seals, and sometimes even a real wind blows! Do not panic, this question is solved by the usual regulation, which you can do on your own.

You will need a hexagon for furniture orordinary pliers. Open the bushing and find directly on it near the handle the hole for the hexagon. Twist your tool lightly in different directions, and you will surely feel how the size of the gaps between the bushing and the base changes. Make the gap minimal so that the seal is tightly pressed. The pen will also go very tightly. Too hard to press it is not necessary, and then the handle can just break down. Make the adjustment in the same way, but now from the hinge side, in addition, so that the bush is pressed everywhere, and not just near the handles.

Shrinkage of the wall

Do not always need to blame the windows themselves and their installers. The appearance of cracks can be caused by a small shrinkage of the wall itself after the installation of the window. In this case, you just need to adjust the hardware.

A simple way out

The last saving option, the most inexpensive andquick, - apply the usual gluing of windows. Of course, it sounds somewhat ridiculous in relation to expensive windows from the newfangled metal plastic. But sometimes nothing else is left! Just cover them with a special transparent film or tape. She will let in the light and keep warm.

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