For those who have not yet become a happy ownerplastic windows, the winter begins with the warming of the windows and the solution of the issue of how to glue the windows this year. The modern market offers a large number of sealing materials for the insulation of windows:

  • Foam, silicone and rubber tape
  • Profile seals made of polyurethane
  • Tubular profile

In addition, the seals can be divided into self-adhesive and those that should be glued. How to choose the correct seal:

  • When buying the seal, read it carefully.packaging, from what material it is made. If it is self-adhesive, you must immediately purchase the right amount of glue or silicone sealant for gluing.
  • The seal profile is selected depending on the size of the slots.
  • The E-shaped is used for a gap of 0.2-0.35 cm,
  • P-shaped to 0.5 cm
  • B-shaped - up to 0,8. cm

Some tips on how to properly glue windows:

  • Clean the frames from dirt and old seal.
  • Using one strip of seal, without stretching,measure the length of the leaf. Cut off the measured piece, cut the corners at an angle of 45 degrees. Separate a few centimeters of the substrate, the adhesive side and attach the edge to the frame. Gradually, separating the substrate, glue the entire strip, not pulling it. The horizontal parts of the insulation are also glued.
  • Pay special attention to the corners - the places of joining the strips of the sealant. They are best additionally fixed with a construction stapler or conventional clerical buttons.

If for some reason you do not want to use an industrial sealer, you can use the grandmother's methods of warming the windows:

  • Slots can be clogged with a wet newspaper, pasted on top of a strip of paper paste.
  • Block the slots with rags or foam rubber and stick on top strips of fabric soaked in soapy water. In the spring they can be easily removed from the frame.
  • Small crevices can simply be covered with alabaster.

How to insulate plastic windows, you can read in this article: "How to insulate plastic windows?".

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