It does not matter for what reason: forgot the keys, lost - in general it is necessary to go into the entrance, there are no keys, and on the way - the intercom. Now you're wondering how to open a doorphone without a key, is it even possible to do this operation at all. Our answer is yes, just read our article. You will learn how to open a door phone with a metac without a key, as well as a vizit and cyfral intercom. We read.

Doorphone Cyfral: open without a key

The way to open the door of the door phone of this type (digital) is suitable in the event that the house has hundredth apartments, that is, with numbers 100, 200, 300 and so on.

Try to enter such combinations:

  • call (button B) 100 call 7272
  • call 200 call 7272
  • call 300 call 7272
  • call 400 call 7272
  • and so on up to 900.

Or the same combination, but instead of 7272, enter 7273

That is: call 100 call 7273; call 200 call 7273 and so on up to 900 apartments.

Doorphone Metacom: open without a key

The doorphone door of this model will open when you enter the following combination of numbers: 65535_1234_8. It's simple.

Also you can download the instruction manual for the digital intercom of the metacom model on the Internet.

Doorphone Vizit (Visit)

It is also possible to open a doorphone without a key.

One of the combinations of numbers and icons is able to open the door of the doorphone Visit, if its standard settings have not changed. Dial * # 4230 or * # 432 and the door in front of you will open.

Installing the code yourself

You can also set your own code orChange the individual apartment code without hacking and entering the service settings mode. To perform this operation, you need at least two people: one at the door of the door phone, the other in the apartment, the individual code of which you want to change.

  1. The person at the intercom dials the number of the desired apartment and waits for the connection, that is, when the other end is picked up by the doorphone.
  2. The one who is in the apartment, presses the buttonopening the door for five seconds six times. Each press of the button will be accompanied by a beep and flashing indicators on the display: "wait for a response" and "enter".
  3. After the last (sixth) click of a buttonopening the door (person in the apartment) on the doorphone display, the "dial the apartment number" indicator appears. Next, you will hear a beep, indicating the readiness of the system to record the individual apartment code. The duplex mode is still maintained (duplex, that is, two-way communication, between the person in the apartment and the person at the doorphone).
  4. Using the call block, dial a new value for the individual apartment code. After recording, the person at the doorphone informs the addressee about the end of the recording, so that he can enter the code into memory.
  5. To do this, a person in the apartment pushes a button"open the door" on the unit. Next, you will hear a beep, notifying you of a new individual code entry. The person in the apartment should install the doorphone on the base.

Actually, this is one of the ways that answer how to open a doorphone without a key.

Open intercom Eltis without key

The standard code for opening a doorphone of this brand is the following combination of numbers:

button "B" (call) further 1234_2_1_3_3_123.

If the door does not open (in this case and cases with other brands of doorphones) this means that the standard settings have been changed by the installers.

Doorphone code Techcom

String sequentially 1_6_0, so that the previousfigures do not release, i.e. in the end you pinch all 3 digits. Then sequentially release them one by one, but in the reverse order: 0_6_1. Hear the signal, see the green indicator and dial the password: 4321, then the button "B" (call), then the number 3 and again "B", hold the key.

And at last one more way how it is possible to opendoor without a key. Just call in any apartment and ask to be opened to you, referring, for example, to the fact that you have forgotten or lost keys. Of course, do not follow the abuse in this way, otherwise you run the risk of being seen as a careless neighbor. In addition, that in the end you will no longer be opened, there is a risk to spoil relations with neighbors.

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