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How to open a keyless lock?

If you wish to learn the technique of openinglocks, then you are on the right track. After all, this is quite useful knowledge and, moreover, interesting. They will also help you better understand the mechanism of locks, you will understand how they are arranged. This can be useful in emergency situations (when, for example, someone steals your key, or it is simply lost.) Since the lock is a mechanical device, it can be said that such occupations will be a rest from computers, televisions of similar electronic things .

How to open a padlock without a key

If you suddenly lost the keys to the padlock,then despair does not follow, as it is not difficult to open it. To complete this action, you will need very ordinary and helpful tools. So, you need a small piece of a pretty strong antenna (about ten to fifteen centimeters) with a bent end. It must be beaten with a heavy object, for example, with a hammer, so that it becomes flat or flattened. Also, to open the padlock, you still need a small piece of wire (about five to seven centimeters), preferably it should be flat, not curved.

Next you need to take the lock. Insert a piece of antenna into the borehole, so that it touches the diameter. To attach the antenna finger, so that it was under a small voltage from the spring. Next, take a small piece of wire and insert it into the center of the spring. Imagine that you have a key in your hand that is lost and try to open it with short and rapid movements. Happened? The lock remained without damage, now you only need to find the key from it.

How to open a door lock without a key

Do people often find themselves in front of a closeddoor, can open the lock yourself? In isolated cases. Most often they also panic. They think that they robbed their apartment, they want to call the police or do some similar things. And then it turns out that the key to the lock was lying in the wrong pocket, or even stayed at home on the hook. It is in such situations that knowledge of the opening of locks without keys is useful.

The door lock should be opened for the sameprinciple, as well as a hinged one. However, it will not be so convenient, because the lock is built into the door and, most likely, on the landing is quite dark. You have to trust your hands. Also, the sizes of tooling devices should be reduced approximately 2 times.

If such devices are not available, thenwomen will have to sacrifice their hairpins and act on the same principle as in the situation described earlier. Men will be more difficult. Instead of a small piece of wire you can use an ordinary rod from the handle. And, here, a large piece should be looked for (you can ask the neighbors).

And, at the end of the above, you canadd one simple tip. If you know that this or similar situation can happen to you, then just make yourself a few duplicate keys and hide it on different pockets of a jacket that you constantly carry or bags with which you always go to work. Now you know how to open a keyless lock. And, if you have a trusting relationship with neighbors, then give one copy of the keys to them for safekeeping.

How to open the lock without a key, the video lesson will show clearly.

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