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How to make keys?

In the life of each of us, there can be a situation when you need a duplicate key urgently, but there is no way to contact the workshop. There is no reason to get upset, as you can make a key with your own hands.

Making a key for a cast

At you by a lucky chance there was at home a mold of the necessary key. The material from which it is made is not important. The main thing is that it should be clear and not blurry. In addition to the impression you will need:

  • paper;
  • ruler;
  • set of files;
  • 2 blanks.


  1. Using the ruler, we measure all the parameters of the impression. Do not miss the slightest detail. We record the results of measurements and create a drawing on them. It must be clear and reflect all the smallest details of the mold.
  2. Let's get down to the most painstaking part of the work. We take the blanks that correspond to the shape of our key. There must be at least two of them. After all, without preparation, it's very simple to spoil one of them.
  3. We transfer the drawing to the workpiece.
  4. With the help of nadfilya under the drawing we cut out allcomponents of the key, paying special attention to the development of small parts. Take your time and try not to leave sharp corners. Duplicate is always heavier inserted into the lock, so its lines should be smooth. Be careful not to overdo it. Even a retreat from the drawing to a millimeter will lead to spoilage of the workpiece.
  5. Apply the ready key to the impression. If it is not perfect with it, correct the shortcomings.
  6. Try to open the door with a key. If a problem arises, reconcile the key and the snapshot and correct the deficiencies found.

Impression molding

It is quite easy to make a key impression. For this it is necessary to prepare

  • plasticine;
  • butter;
  • metal plate.


  1. Roll out the plasticine with an even layer on a plate or a piece of paper. Its thickness should be 1.5 mm.
  2. Lubricate the clay with oil so that it does not stick to the surface of the key.
  3. Take the key and press it into the plasticine so that all parts are clearly imprinted.
  4. It is necessary to print two sides of the key.
  5. Then you can make the keys.

Making the key blank

Unfortunately, not always at home can be the right piece. In this case, it will have to be made by yourself. In order to make a copy of the key you will need:

  • Sheet of thin sheet;
  • superfiles;
  • the original of the key;
  • awl / nail.


  1. From the piece of tin we cut a rectangle according to the size of the key.
  2. Carefully align the resulting rectangle. Apply to it the original key.
  3. Shilom or a thin nail around the key. You need to do this carefully, trying to deviate from the boundaries of the key as little as possible.
  4. With the help of nads, we cut out our workpiece.
  5. We connect the key and the workpiece. The best way to do this is to use a metal vise
  6. We conduct on the preparation of something sharp and hard where there is a groove at the key. Repeat the operation several times until you get the same as the original.
  7. Repeat this operation on the other side.
  8. Duplicate key is ready. Check it for operation. There is a small trick: to prevent tinning, use a screwdriver during opening. She will take the main burden on herself and the key will not bend.
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