Why are polar bears white?
Polar bears - one of the largestrepresentatives of the order of predators on Earth. They live at the North Pole, in that part of the color where for six months the polar night reigns, and the land is almost always covered with snow. Naturally, the appearance of these bears changed throughout evolution to adapt it to life under these conditions. About the habitat of these animals our article is written. Where do polar bears live.
Why are the bears of the North white?
We learn in more detail.
The ability to keep warm
The main enemy of such a large predator living in the permafrost of the pole is, of course, cold, therefore all changes in the appearance of the polar bear are aimed at overcoming the influence of low temperatures.
The skin of polar bears under the coat is black. This color helps absorb the ultraviolet rays of a meager northern sun. And for greater heat, the bear's body is covered with transparent hollow bristles. In fact, they are devoid of pigment and completely colorless, but since the hairs are very close, it seems from the side that the bear's fur has a white tint.
By the way, under the influence of summer sun colorThe bear looks yellowish, and when the bears are placed in zoo warmer latitudes becomes greenish. The latter is due to the fact that the hollow bristles of wool are filled with algae.
Ability to merge with the environment
Polar bears perfectly swim, for this their pawsequipped with membranes, so they can easily afford to hunt for fish and other waterfowl in the sea. Here the color of the coat makes it less noticeable, because if you look from below, when the sun is shining, the water looks dazzling white.
However, these predators do not at all like to dineseal or sea seal, who climbed on the ice. And to be able to get to him unnoticed, it's easiest to merge with the surrounding snow and then use the long, powerful claws. Read more about the feeding of the bear in our article What Bears Eat.
Other features of polar bears
In addition to the special structure of the wool, it should be noted and its location: unlike many animals in these animals, the soles of the feet are also padded with wool, so they do not slip on the ice and are reliably protected from the cold.
The appearance of the head of a white bear is also differentfrom his brown fellow: it is more flattened from above and stretched out. So a more streamlined form is acquired, allowing to dissect a strong north wind and resist storms.
The eyes of the polar bear are small, which helps protect them from cold and thorny snow ice.
Thus, due to the peculiarities of itsThe structure of the polar bear is at the top of the food chain of the Arctic Pole. Harsh conditions of stay saved him from many natural competitors - carnivores, and successful adaptation to the environment allows the bear to successfully breed both in the wild and in captivity.