One of the non-venomous snakes is already. Anyone who has ever watched his hunt knows that he is a fine hunter. For the success of this event snake can not do without the sense organs, which they have their own characteristics. Let's see how it feels.

Types of snakes

There are three types of snakes in Russia:

  • water;
  • brindle;
  • ordinary.

And even in ordinary horror it is possible to allocate up to 10varieties. Between themselves they differ in size and color. The largest specimens are found in Transcaucasia, their length can reach 1, 8 m. Lives on throughout Europe and even in North Africa. He is a real predator. The main part of his diet - a variety of fish and amphibians, less often he manages to catch small mammals and invertebrates.


For the winter the snake falls into a hibernation. Its duration in the north of its range is as much as 8, 5 months, in Central Europe - up to 5, 5, and in the Mediterranean - only 3. Immediately after awakening, it begins to shed. And then in their lives the responsible period of mating begins. Snakes gather together in a tangle of several individuals. Usually in such groups there are 5-10 males and only 1-2 females.


Two months after mating, the femalesearches for damp places: damp moss, rotten stumps, manure, stale leaves, where he lays eggs. Depending on the habitat, incubation of eggs can last from 23 to 61 days. The number of eggs in the masonry is different - from 5 to 36. Although naturalists met record clutches with 50 eggs. The second clutch is made by the female in the second half of summer - early autumn.

Sense organs

Of all the senses, snakes are best developedsense of smell, that is, a scent. They are able to feel even the smallest traces of various substances. In this they are helped by their forked tongue. You must have noticed that during the movement he always puts it out. With a trembling tongue, the snake feels everything around. When it really closes his mouth, the tip of the forked tongue is pressed against two small pits located in the sky. This special body is called the "Jakobson body". It consists of a cluster of cells with a large number of receptors. These receptors are able to recognize the chemical composition of air, food, etc. Vibrating with the tongue, it already seizes microscopic amounts of smelling substances from the air and, with the help of Jakobson's body, analyzes them. He replaces them with the organs of taste and smell.

All snakes, including snakes, could have beencall deaf. After all, they have no auditory holes, no eardrums. Indeed, they do not perceive sounds transmitted through the air. But snakes are very sensitive to vibrations that go through the soil. In this they are helped by receptors located on the tummy. Therefore, it is impossible to frighten a snake with screams, but it is likely that she will react to the stomp by escaping.

The organs of vision in snakes are poorly developed. Therefore, vision for them does not play a special role. There is an opinion that the sight of snakes possesses a hypnotic property, capable of disorienting the victim. In fact, this fact is not confirmed by science. The impression that the snake is staring, arises from the fact that it has no age. Therefore, she looks at the world without blinking, which creates the illusion of hypnosis. The eyes are protected with a thin film. Above the eyes, the snakes have protective flaps, which give the snake's face an evil expression.

If you want to know more about nutrition of snakes, read the article What to eat snacks.

In order to distinguish the horror, it is necessary to know its features, which are described in the article How to learn the horror.

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