Very often people, trying to answer, whether there existvampires, do not know well what is meant by the word vampire. Many narrow the meaning of this word, meaning by the vampires of ordinary bloodsuckers. However, if we talk about the blood-sucking vampires or ghouls themselves, as they were called in Russia, then there is simply no real evidence about people drinking the blood of others. Those who faithfully believe in such vampirism rely mainly on various speculations and pseudo-scientific works. Actually vampires among living creatures abound - this is mosquitoes, leeches, and some species of bats sucking blood from various mammals. However, documented evidence of vampirism among people has not yet been submitted. Therefore, answering: are there vampires in life, we will answer in the affirmative, but on the question whether there are vampires among people a positive answer can not give.

Not bloodsucking vampires: is there

And what if we expand the notion of vampirism and willto call vampires not only those who feed on the blood of living beings, but also those who, so to speak, "feed on emotions," sucking the forces and energy from people. There are plenty of such "energy" vampires among us. Science is not able to explain this phenomenon here, but the one who personally experienced psychic attacks is unlikely to doubt the reality of such a phenomenon as "psychological" or "energy" vampirism. Judge for yourself - a person calls you to a certain type of reaction and after receiving it, feels completely satisfied. And how does the person who manifests such a reaction feel? Most often not too good. Therefore, there is no doubt that among us, something is shaking in this way. What is this? This is our psychic power, or, in simple terms, our "nerves", which, like blood, are not infinite. Now let's see - is not this vampirism? Pure water. It's just that blood is a substance of material nature, but our psyche is not. But the loss of energy has a tangible tangible expression - bad health, illness, etc.

Genetics and Bloodsucking Vampires

Now back to the bloodsucking vampires. The fact is that a person is genetically a carnivorous and herbivorous creature at the same time, but not bloodsucking. In the case of any mutations, this is possible, but if they happened to someone before, there is practically no evidence of this. You ask: what about the famous Vlad of Transylvania - Count Dracula? The fact is that he was not a real bloodsucker, but only used blood in his terrible meals, probably for the purpose of intimidation. The facts of his use of blood in pure form, as is characteristic of natural vampires, was not recorded. So let's say this: the emergence of vampire people from the genetic point of view (in the case of any mutations) is possible, but such cases have not been recorded so far.

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