Results of paleontological studiessuggest that the bears were on Earth for five to six million years ago. The Etruscan bear, which lived about two million years ago, gave rise to the development of modern species, which today are distinguished by eight. The youngest of them is a polar bear, which began its pedigree about 200 thousand years ago.

Feeding the Bears

To lead a sedentary or nomadic way of life beardecides, based on the availability of food in a given territory. Brown bear is very rare in the day, except during the rain. What do bears eat? Their diet is varied and depends on the yield of certain crops and plants.

It is very bad for a brown bear inlean years. Then he is forced to seek salvation among cultural crops, to attack livestock or to destroy apiaries. But it is much worse if the bear does not have time to fatten. Then, among winters, he wakes up from hunger and begins to look for food. Connecting rods are very dangerous predators. In the absence of an alternative, a bear eats a person.

After the end of hibernation in the early spring, bears, inmostly, they eat shoots of aspen and ants. When the earth is free of snow and the sun warms, it attracts the shoots of a young green grass, and a little later - fresh leaves of trees, small animals, bird eggs. Berries appear in the ration of the bear only in the middle of summer. It would be bad for a slobber to hold out on such grubs, if not for the fat left after the winter. That's why the period of accumulation of fat, which for winter needs at least fifty kilograms, is vitally important for brown bears.

Substantial support for the Siberian bearare pine nuts, and in areas warmer - hazelnuts, acorns and chestnuts. For a season the quantity of the eaten nuts comes to half a ton, and berries and even more - over 700 kg. Kamchatka bears, having mastered the methods of fishing, patiently await the arrival of salmon for spawning.

Why bears do not eat penguins

"Sea Bear" is one of the largest carnivores in the world, a beautiful disguised hunter; the main predator of the food chain of the Arctic.

A highly specialized hunting direction -seals, most of them ringed seals. For a year the adult male eats up to 50 individuals. First of all, he is interested in the skin and fat, the rest is only in the period of great famine. Overnight, the bear eats from 6 to 20 kg.

A bear refers to the fish in itsdiet. Ground animals (walruses, beluga, narwhals) can suffer from his attacks when there is not enough food. But the case when the bears eat penguins, has not yet been fixed. And only because bears live in the Arctic, and penguins live in the Antarctic. These two continents are located at different poles of the Earth.

When there is a shortage of fresh animal food, a polar beareats berries and moss, eggs and chicks nesting on the mainland sea birds. He does not disdain the gifts of the sea - a dead fish or corpses of other inhabitants. But the corpse of its kind will not be a polar bear. More attractive for him are the warehouses of travelers or hunters. Also welcome guests for a polar bear are seal hunters and whalers, after which you can profit from the skinless remains and remains of bodies of seals and whales.

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