If you want to feel good during the day and not be afraid of obesity, you need to think about how many calories you need to eat per day.

In addition, it should be understood that any work and rest leads to a loss of calories, since calories are the energy of the body, which is spent on performing certain jobs.

Necessary calories

It is worth noting that men throughout the dayspend more calories than women, respectively, they need more of them. In addition, the young body requires more calories, which are expended on the growth and development of the body. All indicators can be entered in the table:

Floor Age Sitting work (kcal) Average activity (kcal) High activity (kcal)
Man 19 - 27 2400 2600 - 2800 3000
28 - 50 2200 2400 - 2600 2800 - 3000
over 50 2000 2200 - 2400 2400
Female 19 - 27 2000 2200 2400
28 - 50 1800 2000 2200
over 50 1600 1800 2000

From the data given, it can be seen that with agethe need for calories decreases. This is due to the fact that in youth, people lead a more active way of life, and with age, activity decreases - accordingly, and the need for calories decreases.

Also, by calculating the number of calories, it is necessarytake into account the weight of a person. For example, if a young man of 26 years is overweight and his lifestyle is inactive, then he should not consume 2,400 calories (if you follow the table). The average quantity in this case is 1900-2100 kcal.

Calculators of calories

If you want to know how many calories you needyour body a day for a normal exchange, or how many calories a day you consume, you can use special formulas and calculators to calculate calories. The simplest and most effective way is an online calculator.

Calculator on the site azbukadiet.ru will help you calculate the daily rate of calories, depending on the data you provide (age, weight, height and daily activity). And in order to know the number of calories that you consume daily, you can use the calcsoft calculator. Here you need to specify which foods and how much you ate (or plan to eat) per day, and the program will calculate the calories that you will receive with the products.

Calories and Diet

If you are struggling with excess weight or with fatsediments, then in this case the consumption of calories should be less than their consumption. For example, a day a healthy person needs to consume about 2000 kcal, but you need 1500 - 1600, and all other calories will be consumed by your body due to fat deposits.

Also in the period of weight loss should not be abusedproducts with high calorie content, it is best to switch to low-calorie products (fruits, vegetables, steamed dishes), as well as to play sports, which also contributes to the burning of excess calories.

If, on the contrary, you are trying to gain weight, thenthe daily rate of calories consumed can be increased by 10-15%, but not more, since otherwise the body will be difficult to process food, and surpluses will go to fatty deposits.

Read also:

  • How many calories are needed per day
  • How much to eat per day
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