In pursuit of harmony, people are ready for much, even adhere to the strictest diets.

But in order to lose weight and not hurt atit's not necessary to starve or severely restrict your diet: it's enough to burn a certain amount of calories every day.

Daily Calorie Burning

It is very important to correctly calculate the calorie deficit,so that the body has enough strength to maintain its vital activity. For normal functioning, a person needs to consume up to 50 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. And to lose a kilogram of fat you need to burn about 8000 calories. To do this, of course, it is important not only to adhere to proper nutrition, but also to exercise: for example, an hour of step aerobics will allow you to burn 800 kcal, and 40 minutes of running over rough terrain - 700 kcal.

So how many calories burn in a day to make itwas effective and safe? For each person this number is individual and depends on height, weight, sex and age. But in general, it is best to reduce the caloric content of the diet by about 1/5 part (now, calculators like this are used that calculate the necessary amount of calories automatically) and try to burn at least 300 calories daily with the help of sports. More information about burning calories you can learn from the article How to burn calories.

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