In our busy times, many suffer from high blood pressure. To high pressure can not be taken lightly, because it can lead to serious consequences.

Everyone who has ever got into this situation, it is necessary to know how quickly to bring down high pressure.

How to remove pressure at home?

  1. A very simple but effective way is to completely relax. You need to lie horizontally, completely relax and breathe evenly for ten minutes.
  2. A leisurely rhythmic walk in the fresh air also gradually normalizes the pressure.
  3. Put your hands in warm water, wash your face with warm water.water, lower for a few minutes feet in a basin with warm water. This will help the vessels to expand, which will reduce the pressure on their walls. It is not recommended to use cold water, which causes the vessels to narrow.
  4. Excellent help compresses from apple cider vinegar. Vinegar should be diluted with water in equal proportions, then put a towel in this liquid. The towel is squeezed, after which they need to wrap their feet for 10 minutes. During the compress the feet should be horizontal, tightly pressed against a hard surface. After the compress the feet should be rinsed with cool water.
  5. Mix in equal proportions the juice of radish, beets andcarrots. Then add honey to the mixture at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass. Store in the refrigerator, drinking 3 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals, the treatment period is from two months. This mixture is an excellent preventative.

For more information about pressure reduction methods, see:

  • Folk methods of rapid pressure reduction
  • How to quickly lower the pressure
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