Reduced immunity is a largedanger to the human body. Not only because such a phenomenon is often accompanied by increased fatigue, poor health and weakness. Weakening immunity also means losing the necessary protection against various viruses and diseases. That is why at the first signs of a decrease in immunity should take action. In this article we will tell you how to improve immunity by folk remedies.

The reasons for the lowering of immunity

In order to raise immunity, first of allshould be aware of the main causes that have a negative impact on it. There are a lot of such factors, but here are the most common ones:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • lack of motor activity;
  • external impact in the form of constant stress and emotional stress;
  • suffered severe illness;
  • presence of diseases.

When the body is affected by at least onefrom these factors, he begins to experience excessive stress and, consequently, weakening of immunity. There are effective folk remedies that help to quickly restore immunity. They will be discussed further on.

How to increase the immunity of a child

It is known that children get sick and pick updifferent viruses are much more likely than adults. This is due to the fact that the children's body is not strong enough to resist the development of the disease, therefore, immunity in children is not high. Therefore, parents should take care of their children to raise it with the help of various means.

First, children should be given more vegetables andfruits, so that their diet is always healthy food. Sweets, flour products and other sweets, so beloved by children, can be replaced using honey, nuts and dried fruits. In this case, the child will not perceive the remedy as a medicine: it will become a useful dessert for him.

  • You should mix 100 grams of raisins, walnuts,dried apricots in dried form with a peel of one small lemon. Ingredients should be mixed well and seasoned with natural honey. Such a prescription is an excellent tool for increasing immunity not only in children, but also in adults. Take it is recommended twice a day - in the morning and in the evening in a dose of one teaspoon.
  • Children can prepare different broths and compotes,which they will drink during the day. If such drinks are not very sweet, you can give them to your child also instead of water. It is recommended to increase the immunity of compote from raisins and apricots. For 5 liters of water take 2 tablespoons of raisins and 1 kg of apricots in fresh form.
  • Like children and broths from the hips,which perfectly strengthen the immune system. To prepare the broth, take a tablespoon of fruit for 1 glass of water. Boil the drug should be about 10 minutes and press for 24 hours. 30 minutes before meals, pre-school children are given 2 teaspoons of a drink three times a day. You can always add lemon and honey to this tea to bring down its tart taste.

About other effective means of reading in our article on the topic How to strengthen the immunity of the child.

How to increase the immunity of an adult

The above recipes perfectly fit andfor adults with weakened immune system. But it can also use a variety of drugs based on medicinal plants, which can be dangerous for use in children.

  • Adults are recommended to improve immunityvitamin compote. For its preparation, you should take in equal parts dry mint, chestnut flowers, melissa grass and willow-tea. For 1 liter of water, take 5 tablespoons of this mixture, boil for a few minutes on low heat, then insist a couple of hours and filter. To this product, add compote of currant berries or cherries without sugar. It is necessary to drink at least half a liter of such a drink per day.
  • To strengthen the immune system in adultsused and balms. The following recipe is most effective. A polylogram of walnuts in powdered form is filled with juice from 100 g of aloe and 4 lemons, then 300 g of natural honey is added. Ingredients should be mixed and poured a glass of vodka. To insist means it is necessary in a dark place within day. Take a balm for 30 minutes before meals for 1 tablespoon three times a day.

On other ways to read in our article on the topic How to improve immunity.

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