Cough quite often appears against a cold. Moreover, it is treated quite a long time. But what if tomorrow you have an important meeting or other event where you can afford to cough? Do not worry, there is a way out. You can get rid of a cough in a very short time. Let's find out how to cure a cough for the day.


Onion is a wonderful cough remedy. Here are a few recipes for cough.

Boiled onion

Cut the onion head finely, add twospoon sugar and pour 100 ml of water. Boil the mixture on a small fire for half an hour. Then, when the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey and drink one tablespoon six times a day.

Fried onion

The bulb should be cut and fried in butter. After cooling a little, you need to add a spoonful of honey. And take as often as possible.


Very useful for coughing inhalation. You can carry out this procedure with infusion of chamomile, sage, and licorice root. Do inhalations five to seven times a day.


Very good results are given by honey.

Honey with milk

It is necessary to add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of milk and drink several times during the day.

Honey with radish

Black radish should be washed and cut off the tip. Make a groove in the middle and pour in two tablespoons of honey. Leave the radish for four hours, and then take one tablespoon before eating and before going to bed.

More information on cough treatment can be found in the article How to treat cough. If you have a child, read the article Than to cure a child.

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