Cough is a symptom of many diseases. However, today cure the most annoying cough will not be very difficult, because modern pharmacological production produces a very large number of different drugs from this unpleasant and annoying ailment. However, a simple person who is completely unfamiliar with medicine, is very easy to get lost among this abundance of medicines. So, what tablets to cough to choose, and how to do it correctly?

Pills for cough: which is better

  1. The first type is a pill that suppresses a cough. They can be divided into two main groups:
    • Tablets of central action
    • Tablets of peripheral action.
    All tablets of central action can bedivided again into narcotic and non-narcotic. Strange as it may seem, cough is perfectly helped by such drugs as codeine, morphine, dextromethorphan. These drugs have a depressing effect on the medulla oblongata, namely, there is a cough center. However, with prolonged use, they are addictive, and without a prescription they can not be bought. Therefore from such tablets from a cough have already refused for a long time. Then a logical question arises - what are the cure for coughs? Now we should talk about preparations of peripheral action. They are the best suited to cure the most severe cough. In addition, they have virtually no side effects and can be used at almost any age. So, what are the good cough tablets worth highlighting in this group? This, of course, sinecode, intussin and tusuplex. It is these drugs that contain substances that can suppress any cough, especially one that appears at night.
  2. The second large group of drugs for coughingcalled mucolytics. These drugs help with the dilution of sputum and remove it from the body. Among all mucolytics, such drugs as bromhexine and ambroxol are very popular.
  3. There is another group of drugs for coughing. Such preparations are called bronchodilators. Most often they are used in this or that chronic lung disease, which is accompanied by a cough. In this case, bronchodilators relieve spasm of the lungs, and coughing stops. To bronchodilators can include such drugs as broncho-munal, singular, theopec.

However, it is worth remembering that in no case cantreat cough yourself. Very much I doubt that you will be able to correctly diagnose yourself, for example, bronchitis or pneumonia. And the more you can not correctly decide which pills to drink from a cough in order to be cured as soon as possible. Therefore, do not engage in self-medication, but it's worth to see a doctor.

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