A newborn child requires competent care, of which walks in the fresh air are a part. But it is important to understand that for newborns there are special norms even for fresh air.

In this article we will tell you how much you can walk with the baby.

The first walk

On the first walk with the baby you can go tothe second week of his life, but only if the street is warm. If the temperature outside the window is minus 10 degrees, the walk should be replaced by a short sleep on the glassed balcony. But as soon as it gets warmer, you need to go out, as fresh air is very useful for the baby, it not only improves appetite and blood circulation, but provides a more healthy sleep, and sunlight contributes to the production of vitamin D.

How long should I walk?

The mechanism of thermoregulation in a child is formedgradually, and therefore the duration of walks should be increased gradually. The first walk should last no more than 15 minutes, the second - 20 minutes, the third - 25, etc. To each walk is added for 5 minutes, but at the same time, of course, you need to make a correction for the weather. In total, in autumn and winter, the baby should be on the street for about an hour and a half, but it is better to divide this time into 2-3 exits, and in spring and summer it is possible to spend almost a whole day with a newborn on the street, if not very hot, of course.

Fees for a walk

Before a newborn's walk, it is necessary to feed and change a diaper for him, because it will be very difficult to do both in the street, and if it's impossible to talk about the cold season.

In addition, going for a walk, you need to remembera very important rule - first dresses mom, then a child. If you first put your child on, and then do your dues, the baby can sweat, and when you are on the street, cool down sharply, resulting in, of course, he will fall ill. Needless to say, even a simple cold for a baby can be a serious illness, because he has not yet developed immunity.

Sleep on the balcony - an alternative to a walk?

Balcony can easily replace the street, because freshair on the balcony, and in the yard is the same, and my mother can get a lot of extra time for other important things. Of course, it is worthwhile to understand that if your house is located close to the road and the balcony windows overlooking this very road, such "walks" is a bad option. In addition, it is dangerous to "walk" on an open glass balcony, who knows, maybe from the top floor a "conscious" citizen will want to dump garbage, and a gust of wind will bring him into the stroller.

More about the rules of walking with kids read in the articles:

  • When to walk with a newborn
  • How to walk with a child
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