Gastritis is a disease that inflamesgastric mucosa. When it occurs, a person can observe the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, discomfort in the abdominal cavity, general weakness, loss of appetite. It is important to know that there are two types of gastritis - with high and low acidity. Diagnose such an ailment can doctor-gastroenterologist. He also appoints a diet, we'll talk about it in detail later.

Diet with gastritis

It is very important to know what to eat when gastritis, sinceproper nutrition is an important condition for improving well-being and recovery. In addition, if you do not follow a certain diet, then this ailment can go to the ulcer.

With gastritis, regardless of its type and form, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles in nutrition:

  • Is often, but in small portions (5-7 times a day);
  • Avoid overeating;
  • Do not eat in a hurry;
  • Do not eat food dry-it needs to be washed down with tea, compote or other liquid;
  • Chew food as carefully as possible.

Now we will consider in detail what exactly is eaten with gastritis and what foods are prohibited.

Flour and bakery products

With such a disease, you can use whiteWheat bread, but it must be yesterday. It is allowed to include in the diet uncomfortable cookies and biscuits, dry biscuit, patties with different fillings. You can not eat fresh pastries, rye bread and pancakes.

Cereals and pasta

When gastritis should be cooked porridge based on rice,oatwurst, buckwheat and oatmeal. Of these, you can also cook cutlets, adding them pasta. In this case, you should abandon pearl barley, corn, barley and millet cereals, as well as from legumes.

Meat products and eggs

When gastritis should be introduced into your dietonly low-fat varieties of meat: veal, rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, fish. Cook it for a couple or bake in the oven without adding oil. You can use eggs when making omelets, you can also boil them soft-boiled. It is forbidden to introduce into the diet fatty grades of meat and fish, smoked products and canned food. Do not eat fried eggs and boiled hard boiled.


When gastritis is very useful to drink fresh yogurt, yogurt, whole milk. You can also eat lean cottage cheese and sour cream. Do not enter into the diet of dairy products that are high in fat.

Vegetables, berries and fruits

Very useful for gastritis are soups-pureefrom potatoes, pumpkins, courgettes, carrots and cauliflower. Also with this disease you can eat a variety of ripe and sweet berries and fruits. Of these, you can make juices, mousses and puddings.

It is not possible for gastritis to have unripe and sour berries and fruits, as well as the following vegetables and herbs: cucumbers, onions, radish, spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, mushrooms.


With gastritis, you can enter into your diet natural honey, jam, jam, marshmallows, berries, dried fruits. It is not desirable to eat chocolate, cakes, cakes, halva and ice cream.


With a sick gastritis you can drink natural juices, not strong tea. It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks, sour juices, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

Additional recommendations

It is important to take into account that people who have gastritisis accompanied by a low acidity, it is necessary to include in your diet more of those products that promote the increase of hydrochloric acid, and with increased acid formation, vice versa - food that reduces its production.

So, to products that stimulate the formation of hydrochloric acid, include the following:

  • cocoa of low fat content;
  • egg yolk;
  • dishes with the addition of salt;
  • broths;
  • natural honey;
  • cream;
  • broth, cooked on the basis of rose hips;
  • gray bread;
  • various spices - they must be added when preparing the first and second dishes.

The approximate menu of a diet at a gastritis with the lowered acidity looks so:

  • Breakfast: omelet, steamed, oatmeal, broth of rose hips;
  • Second breakfast: a glass of cream with biscuit;
  • Lunch: soup-puree, jelly, patties from poultry meat with spices;
  • Supper: tea, a slice of bread with honey, boiled fish with mashed potatoes;
  • At night you should drink a glass of milk.

Now we list the products that contribute to a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid:

  • mineral water;
  • loose tea;
  • bread;
  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled meat and fish;
  • dishes from vegetables, cooked in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • porridge.

An approximate diet menu for a day with a gastritis with increased acidity is as follows:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge and tea with milk;
  • Second breakfast: baked apple and cottage cheese with sugar;
  • Lunch: broth from vegetables, steam cutlet with rice porridge, compote;
  • Dinner: a slice of cheese, a slice of bread with jam, vegetable puree;
  • At night, it is recommended to drink a glass of yogurt or kefir.

In any case, the diet should be selected by a doctor atbased on the state of your body and the stage of the disease. It is also important to remember that in addition to adjusting the diet, you will need to take medications that will remove inflammation of the mucosa. Their dosage and duration of the course is prescribed by the gastroenterologist. It is necessary to eliminate the cause that led to the development of such gastritis.

We also recommend reading other articles on this topic:

  • What you can eat with gastritis
  • Diet with gastritis
  • Diet with gastritis with high acidity
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