Whichever diet was and no matter how hard you triedfighters for healthy eating limit the person in food, each of us needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins for the full work of the body. Without this, a healthy diet is impossible. For example, their storehouse is found in oysters, black caviar, artichokes, asparagus, goji berries. But the most important thing is that all these substances are also found in all known and, most importantly, products available to us. So, the better to eat?

Whole grains

Here is one answer to the question "How goodto eat? ". Pearl barley and barley groats (crushed pearl barley) are considered record holders in this matter. And barley is the first product of porridge - the most useful plant among cereals. In it there are proteins, starches, and provitamins A and B, plus minerals, including phosphorus and iodine. But rice and buckwheat contrary to popular opinion is not so useful. Rice contains only carbohydrates, and buckwheat possesses the necessary properties only before the technical drying.

Other cereals - oats, millet, corn, wheat - are inferior in useful properties to the pearl barley, and even overtake the price. Nevertheless, they should not be excluded from the diet for a change.


This is the main vegetable source of protein. Cheap representatives of the group - whole yellow peas and lentils. However, both products are heavy for the stomach. They are eaten little by little and not before going to bed.


Proteins and carbohydrates are what gives this productour body. The most useful is rabbit meat. Next comes the turkey meat. Beef and chicken on the third. But from pork is better to refuse.


Or their other name is giblets: kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, brains, treads. Each of them is useful in its own way. For example, the liver contains large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates, chicken stomachs are a source of folic acid and iron, and the lungs contain vitamins PP, C, B2 and B1, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium, and trace elements - iodine and iron.

A fish

A product rich in phosphorus and vitamin E. It is extremely necessary for a growing organism, including, as a source of energy. For the useful properties of any type of product is suitable.

Soy products

These are soy milk, meat,tofu, miso, tempe, yuba (fuju). In soy, a huge number of the same essential nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macro elements. But the soybean seeds, as well as the flour from them, is not recommended. They contain substances that inhibit the digestion process.


Sour-milk products are much more useful than milk. They improve the intestinal microflora, help digest food and better assimilation of its nutrients. In addition, kefir is safe for people who do not tolerate lactose.

Sea kale

Its other name is kelp. That's where the real storehouse of minerals is. The product contains iodine, magnesium, potassium, silicon, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium. The maximum benefit comes from fresh sea kale, but, unfortunately, it can not be bought everywhere. Fortunately, dried or canned, it loses not much benefit.

Now you know how to eat better to save your energy, not gain weight and normalize your health.

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