For any of the parents it's no secret that the childrenvery often they suffer from angina. And angina, in turn, can lead to various complications. Let's analyze in this article how to treat tonsils in children and adults, whether they need to be removed, and what they are needed for.

Tonsils or tonsils

  • Let's, first of all, clarify one point. You should know that the tonsils and tonsils are the same. Just do not be scared when the doctor puts a terrible and unfamiliar diagnosis, tonsillitis is an ordinary sore throat.
  • Tonsils are a very important organ of the immune system. They are located between the palatine arch, in the throat, at the root of the tongue. Tonsils consist of lymphoid tissue.
  • In medicine, inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. This disease can be either acute or chronic. Acute tonsillitis-angina.
  • Still tonsils name protectors of all organism. They prevent the entry of harmful microorganisms into the human body and prevent them from multiplying. In the lymphoid tissue from which the tonsils are composed, special antibodies are produced that serve to combat pathogenic microbes. It should be noted that in children it is the glands that are the main link of the immune system. They protect babies from viruses, bacteria, infections.

Inflammation of the tonsils: treatment

There are several factors that point to the inflammatory process in the throat:

  • The child begins to complain of discomfort or sore throat.
  • The kid refuses food, it is very painful or difficult for him to swallow.
  • When examined, you can see the plugs in the tonsils. Treatment should be done quickly and in no case delayed. Enlarged glands with white coating, as a rule, accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature.
  • The child feels weakness, fatigue, lethargy, the rhythm of breathing is disturbed.
  • Considering the treatment of tonsils in children,note that inflammation can also occur without the accompaniment of sore throat. In this case, the child complains of discomfort in the throat, his body temperature, bad breath, and lymph nodes are increased. The child should be urgently shown to the doctor. After all, he may have chronic tonsillitis.

Most often, according to the theory, inflamedtonsils can be seen in children from three to ten years. But the practice shows that in the elderly, too, tonsils can be inflamed or enlarged. Treatment for each age category, of course, is different. In any case, acute angina should be prescribed to a person bed rest and a lot of medical procedures: copious drinking, rinsing, antibacterial drugs, antihistamines, etc.

Previously, doctors prescribed a patient with anginaantibiotics of the penicillin series, but in connection with the mutation of microorganisms, such therapy is no longer valid. To date, the practice of antibiotic treatment of macrolides. For example, Sumamed, Macropen, Erythromycin, Azithromycin. The drug is necessarily selected for each patient individually and should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Very well recommended washingtonsils. Thus, the plaque is perfectly removed and the inflammatory process is removed. Together with purulent plugs, a putrid, unpleasant odor from the mouth disappears. The course of treatment has about ten, painless, procedures.

Considering the treatment of palatine tonsils, experts are always in dispute over whether it is worth removing the tonsils. As is known, tonsils are a very important organ and its removal is highly undesirable.

When removing the glands, the body experiences tremendous stress and is a big mystery as the body will react to such interference in the near future.

Treatment of tonsils folk remedies

Let's consider some effective folkmethods used in the fight against this disease. They can be especially useful in the treatment of children, because they use natural harmless ingredients. But nevertheless to apply them costs or stands after advice or council of the doctor.

  • Pour boiling water with chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, violet, horsetail, pine buds and string. Let it brew for about two or three hours. Rinse the broth with your throat three times a day.
  • A punch of red pepper and honey put oncompress paper. From below, you need to set fire to the wax candle and melt the honey. After the honey is melted, pepper should be taken out and taken 2 times a day for 2 tablespoons. l. before meals.
  • Very well proved itself, as a rinse for a throat tincture of propolis. It perfectly eliminates all the inflammatory processes in the throat.
  • With tonsillitis you can use infusion with Kalanchoe. Rinse is done three times a day. The course of treatment lasts a minimum of five days.
  • For rinses, you can use lemon juice, diluted with water. Rinse need at least three times a day.

Now you know how to treat tonsils in children andadults. But it must be remembered that self-medication is very harmful to your health. It is best, and safer for yourself, to seek advice and help from a qualified specialist who will choose individual treatment that will help you.

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