Many in their lives meet with suchthe problem of loss of voice, especially people who sing and perform on stage. Also, the likelihood of losing a voice for a time in boys in the transition years is high. At this time, the boyish voice, so to speak, "breaks." As a rule, the vocal cords come to normal by themselves. It also happens that a person gets cold and therefore loses voice. Usually the voice is restored by itself, it is enough to speak only less and keep the throat warm. However, if you neglect your health, lose your voice several times in a row, it will not lead to anything good.

In this article, we will talk about how to treatligaments, if you hurt them in some way. First, treatment depends on the degree of severity. The first advice that we give will be applicable if you have chilled your throat in the cold, tore up because of screaming or because of illness and as a result lost your voice.

Ways of saving the voice

  • Inhalations. This is the simplest method that acts directly on the vocal cords. In the pharmacy you can buy aerosol products, spray them into the pharynx and thus treat the ligaments. Most often this method is applicable for children. There is another way of inhalation: in warm boiled water, dilute a few drops of essential oil, cover your head with a towel and inhale. Instead of butter, you can use a decoction of any herbs.
  • The next tip you will surely hear firstany doctor, if you ask how to treat the vocal cords. This is a warm drink in abundant quantities. Tea, coffee, plain water, decoction of herbs, mineral water, juices in a warm form is also possible.
  • This tip concerns vocalists who are about togo on the stage. To warm up the bundles, you can drink mulled wine or hot wine. The way to which it is necessary to resort rarely, but it is very effective. In a few minutes you will feel relieved.
  • Pills. Now there is a lot of drugs for the throat. Nobody likes to take bitter pills, but here it's just necessary. Medicines will save you from infections and inflammations, which, unfortunately, teas and herbs can not kill.
  • Lugol's solution is a sure remedy for the beginningindispositions. If you just felt a tickle, tickle, sniff or sore throat, buy it. Selling solution in any pharmacy and costs a penny. You need to lubricate the solution of the tonsils, pharynx and those places where it hurts.


Very effective ways of how to treat ligamentsthroat, offers traditional medicine. Nature is very wise and knows thousands of ways to cure serious illnesses. What do we advise folk medicine if you lose your voice? Here are some tips.

  • Drop a little burdock oil on the tip of the tongue.
  • Melt the chocolate butter, sugar, butter and honey. Mix and eat a little throughout the day. Very effective method for facilitating breathing and lung diseases.
  • Drink at night a liter of hot milk with honey.
  • In case of emergency, drink hot tea with lemon or tea with cognac to warm up the ligaments.
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