The abundance of cheerful and cognitive medicalseries involuntarily introduces us to the study of medical procedures, terms and abbreviations. But the character, does not always give a decryption, giving it at the mercy of the erudition of the viewer. We will relieve the problem and tell you what is the MRI of the brain.

MRI or magnetic resonance imaging - methodThe study of the brain by studying its internal structure is the result of multiple translucence in different directions. The MRI tomograph receives images based on the magnetic fields that the human body generates. The main role in this is played by the saturation of human tissues with hydrogen.

The effect of radio-frequency waves and magneticresonance with MRI for the human body is harmless, but there are certain limitations and even contraindications for MRI studies. As a rule, this refers to the installed ferromagnetic implants and pacemakers, prosthetic valves of the heart, people suffering from claustrophobia.

In most cases this method isunique and unique, when a diagnostic examination is prescribed. MRI of the brain provides a reliable image that allows you to choose the optimal method of treatment.

An important advantage of MRI is the ability to study the brain and its functions through the bone tissue.

MRI of the brain, photo of the sectionsbrain, obtained with a high degree of resolution are irreplaceable in diagnosing infarction, brain edema, tumor processes, cerebral hemorrhage and abscesses.

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