Very unpleasant and even dangerous for the generalhealth phenomenon - cramps. The human body freezes either in a twisted posture or, conversely, in a straightened posture. Cramps are always accompanied by pain, and their consequences can be very scary. The most harmless with cramps is a worsening of the cardiovascular system, the worst thing is loss of consciousness. Cramps can happen anywhere, when swimming they can cause death. If you have the initial signs of this disease, you need to go to the doctor and find out why this is happening and how to cure convulsions. To the doctor the treatment is necessary in order to find out the reasons for their appearance. For more information about these reasons, read here: "What causes seizures?". Only by eliminating the cause, you can get rid of cramps. But in addition to medicines, you can maintain your health and folk remedies.

Emergency help

If there are seizures, it is necessary to urgently helppatient. If the spasm hit the cervical and the muscles of the head, then you need to insert a round wooden object between your teeth so that the patient does not bite your tongue. If the cramp in the limbs, then we must try to stretch them and stretch the muscles as much as possible. At a cramp the legs should straighten it and pull the foot towards you, with a spasm of the arm it is necessary to extend the hand, to try to direct the elbow in the side (from itself or to itself). The pain should let go, the elasticity of the muscle will be restored. If you are confused and do not know what to do with cramps, then imagine, at least roughly, how the muscle is located in length, it should be stretched as much as possible, the patient should be commanded loudly and clearly what movement he should perform.

Folk remedies for cramps

In order for strong spasms to appear less frequently andbecome weaker, you can maintain your health with the help of herbs. Drink them according to the scheme: a month they take a decoction, two weeks break, then another month of treatment. Such courses can be done 2,4,6, until the cramps completely disappear. But less than 2 courses do not make sense, the body will not accumulate a sufficient amount of medicinal substance.

So, you can take infusions of chamomile flowers,lime-colored flowers, yarrow. These infusions are prepared as follows: a tablespoon of vegetable raw material pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes, drain. Take a third cup 3 times a day, that is, for a day the whole glass is drunk, the next day, preparing a new infusion.

You can also prepare the infusion of thyme. A tablespoon of seeds should be poured a glass of boiling water and insist for at least an hour. Infusion of drinking should be 3 times a day for a tablespoon, before eating. Even more effective thyme helps get rid of seizures, if you prepare tincture. A tablespoon of raw material is poured with 100 grams of vodka and insists 7-10 days. Then take 3 times a day, 15 drops, with water.

Cramps at a high temperature curealmost impossible, because they rarely last more than 10 minutes. We must immediately after finishing them to give the patient an antipyretic and the problem will be removed, because convulsions in this case are only a consequence of high fever.

Therapeutic baths

Healing baths can help when you havetonic cramps of the legs. This is a long cramp, which is accompanied by severe pain. Heat and water relax the muscles. You can warm your feet in tincture of tansy flowers, which should be prepared in the same way as described above. Also removes the pain of the bathroom, which is added with baking soda and grated fresh ginger. For 10 liters of water half a glass of soda and a quarter of a glass of ginger. To soar your feet in such water you need 10-15 minutes for a course of 10 days.

Treatment of cramps stop

From long walking, especially at highheels, there is a cramp of the foot. When it becomes possible to take off your shoes in the evening, do not wait for convulsions to begin. Take a slice of lemon and wipe the feet. Lemon juice is very useful in poor blood circulation. It will strengthen the vessels, relax the muscles, and in passing will serve as a preventive agent for varicose veins and atherosclerosis. Going out of the house, wipe your toes and soles with lemon juice, during the day your legs will become less tired, cramps will occur much less often.


One effective way to get rid ofseizures, is aromatherapy. Muscles with a tendency to cramps is very good massage helps. Do it with strokes in the direction of the heart. Instead of a massage oil, you can take a healing essential oil. From the spasms will help lavender, rosemary, juniper, marjoram oil, as well as black pepper oil. All these oils warm the skin well, expand the vessels, improve blood flow, and therefore reduce the likelihood of seizures.

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