Official medicine does not distinguish child frightas a separate disease, but classifies it as a number of nervous diseases. Traditional healers gave this phenomenon the name "childish" and know how to cure the fright of the child with the help of special conspiracies and prayers.

Signs of child fright

Breast children often cry, and understand the reason for theiranxiety is quite difficult. Fright in infancy can manifest as a failure of the breast, nocturnal hysterics. In especially difficult cases, tremors and cramps in the extremities, blue skin, foam at the mouth are observed.

At a later age, fright can be judged by the increased nervous excitability of the child, the painful attachment to close people, capriciousness, and night incontinence.

How to treat a child's fright

To treat the child's fright is necessary, sinceits consequences can adversely affect the further mental and mental development, cause the emergence of phobias, stammering. Sometimes to cure fright enough parenting love and affection, trusting conversations with the child.

To treat fright in infants, pediatriciansadvise to take a soothing bath with the addition of phytospores. For example, valerian + sweet clover + thyme + motherwort. Older children can be given a soothing tea based on chamomile, oregano, mint, valerian.

If signs of fear do not disappear,seek help from a psychologist. An experienced specialist will determine the cause of the disease and the ways of its solution. These can be homeopathic drugs, hypnosis or other methods.

How to remove fright in a child with unconventional methods

From the point of view of psychic sensitivity, fright isinformation ailment. At the moment of fright, the child's energy is undergoing a severe shake-up. That is why the most common unconventional way of treating it is pouring fright at the wax, as the wax absorbs energy like a sponge. To do this, melt the church candles and, holding a bowl over the head of the baby with cold water, slowly pour the wax into it and read the prayers.

Grandmothers-wizards roll out the fright with a chicken egg or conduct a ritual with consecrated salt, while reading conspiracies.

Believers from ancient times know how to treatfright with the help of prayers. A special prayer is effective - an appeal to the Mother of God, which is considered a defender of women and children. You can just wash the child with holy water, reading "Our Father".

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