Everyone knows that the heart for a person isone of the most vital organs. But does everyone know how it works throughout our life, how does the heart beat? Which indicators are normal, and which can cause fear for human health? We'll talk about this in our article.

Human Pulse

How the heart beats, the pulse tells us. It changes throughout our life, and also depends on many external circumstances.

The baby's pulse reaches its maximum,which can be throughout the life of a person and over the years it gradually decreases. From birth to the year the baby's pulse gradually decreases from 150 beats per minute to 120 beats. At the child of five years the pulse already should be about 100 blows. Gradually, by the adolescent period, the pulse is reduced to 70 beats per minute, and so it remains throughout the life of the person as long as the heart beats.

It is also important to remember that the heart rate may vary from many factors, for example:

  • sports load;
  • stress;
  • hearty food;
  • drinking tea or coffee;
  • taking certain medications, etc.

Impaired heart rate

We examined the work of the heart of a healthy person,but, unfortunately, not all people can boast of an ideal state of the cardiovascular system. Many heart diseases lead to a change in the pulse, which consequently affects the general state of the person.

If a person has a strong heart and pulseconstantly and significantly (by 40-50 strokes) exceeds the norm, this condition is called tachycardia. This condition can be a consequence of ischemia, myocarditis, and other serious heart diseases. Also, it can be caused by a violation of the thyroid gland, inflammatory processes occurring in the body or the presence of some infectious disease.

There is also a reverse state, when the pulse is muchbelow the norm and this condition is called bradycardia. The causes of bradycardia may be myocarditis, atherosclerosis, postinfarction states, cardiosclerosis and others.

We wish you not to face heart disease, and first of all not to be nervous!

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