Unfortunately, most people do notdiffers altruism and help others, or more precisely, "strangers" in our society is not particularly accepted, except in a particularly extreme situation. In this article, we will dwell on the problem of blood donation, and we will reflect on the topic: why donate blood.

What is the meaning of blood donation?

Everyone has his own moralqualities and physical abilities, to the extent of which he himself answers for himself the question: whether it is necessary to give blood. But in order for the answer to be meaningful, and true, we will dwell in more detail on the notion of donation.

So, donation is a voluntary donation of one's own blood (or its components) to sustain and save the lives of others.

Every day people all over the world, and our country does notexclusion, need tons of blood, these are victims of accidents, accidents, and just people with various diseases for which every minute counts, and whose lives depend on the availability of donor blood. Often there are situations when there is no blood, or it is not enough, and here on the relatives of the patient, who needs blood, is to perform excessive work: the search for blood. And it's not always possible to find donors, sometimes it's too late.

Cases when donor blood is needed, you canenumerate to infinity, and if in catastrophes and terrorist attacks, the society rallies, and blood reserves are replenished actively. Then how to be people with serious diseases, for example, oncology? Or people after serious operations, women who have lost a lot of blood during childbirth? They need donor blood constantly, many of them live, only thanks to donors.

Answering a question: whether it is necessary to donate blood, think about the fact that, perhaps, it is your blood that will save a child, a patient with leukemia, life.

In Russia, there is a shortage of donor blood, andthe needs in it are constantly growing, so if you think that this problem does not concern you, you are mistaken, it concerns everyone. In most regions of our country, the number of donors per 1000 inhabitants is 13-14 people, but it is required 40. It does not matter which blood group you have, the most common, or rare, there is always the person who needs it. In donating blood, there is nothing terrible and complicated, but the importance of donating - grandiose - saving a person's life.

Do I have to give blood?

In addition to the benefits to society,blood donation, it is also useful for the donor himself. An important benefit of blood donation is its preliminary analysis, both general and for the presence of viruses that are transmitted through the blood (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C). Regular donation will allow you to be sure of your health, and if there is any problem, a regular blood test will allow you to find it in time and begin treatment. More details about the benefits of donation, you will learn from another article of our site - "Is it useful to donate blood?".

Now you can decide for yourself whether you need todonating blood. And when choosing, remember that in place of a patient who needs blood, each of us can appear, both in the role of the victim, and in the role of a relative or friend, a person in need of blood. And then you will not have any doubts.

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