The problem of excess weight, one of the few thatis particularly acute in the modern world, where an active lifestyle is not achievable by many. And it's not that people are lazy, for many now the job is to sit at the computer almost 10 hours a day! But, how to calculate the calorie content of the dishes that we eat?

Calorie Calculation

The very first thing you need to calculate is how muchcalories you spend per day. There are certain tables, but they are not ideal. The fact is that someone sitting at work is almost motionless, and someone is moving in a chair, pulling something out of the boxes, and standing up. This, too, must be taken into account. The answer is how many calories you need per day you will find by clicking on this link. Here is the link for calculating calories - the program for calculating the diet.

How to calculate caloric content of products

Let us consider what are in general of themselvescalories. Modern nutritionists advise to calculate the diet for about one and a half to two thousand calories, but less than one thousand two hundred can not be used, this is not enough for the body.

Calorie is energy, what is neededfor heating one gram of water per degree Celsius. All products are calculated in kilocalories, but in everyday life it is customary to say "calories." It is the calorie shows how much energy contains a particular product, and counting them, you can calculate the daily caloric value of your everyday day.

Some products contain a large amount ofthe number of calories, and some less, but in one way or another, they are caloric, then vegetable food. Also affects the condition of the product itself, so, in the dried product, more calories than in the raw. For example, in a grapes seventy calories in one hundred grams, and in a dried one more than three hundred. It's about the moisture content. The more moisture, the less calories in the product.

Products and Glycemic Index

It is a possibility of influencesugar in the blood of a person. The higher this index, the higher the sugar level. Therefore, some people begin to eat everything that does not contain glucose, then the body "requires" their own and the person begins, there are cereals, fruits, only not in the usual quantities, but in huge quantities. A person, in one way or another, needs carbohydrates.

Thermal effect

What it is? It is the energy expended by man for the complete digestion of food. And the higher the thermal effect, the more a person will digest it and the more it will spend the calories on it. These products include cabbage, greens, radish, carrots, meat, fish, whole grains, cereals, rice, but only dark. And products that practically do not require the cost of caloric content - it's alcohol, sugar, fat.

Scientists have found that thirty percent of theconsumed proteins are spent on digesting them themselves. Starchy carbohydrates require twenty percent of their caloric intake for digestion. But do not think that if you eat only porridges with boiled meat you'll be slim and healthy. Maybe you will lose weight, but you are unlikely to be healthy, because the satiety of the body comes not only from the fullness of the stomach, but from the state of your hormones. All you need to keep in balance. This should be taken into account when you begin to calculate the caloric value of the dish.

How to calculate caloric intake

Metabolism basal. This method is about how many calories are needed to keep a person's life in a leisurely state.

The formula is based on a specific growth of a person: male sex: 66 + (13.7 x human weight) + (5 x height of a man in centimeters) - (6.8x how many years full of a person) = his metabolism. Female gender: 655 + (9.6x female weight) + (1.8x female height in centimeters) - (4.7 hours actual years)

2 Formula based on fat-freebody weight. This means that if you weigh sixty kilograms and fat of them twenty seven percent, then the weight of fat is just over sixteen kilograms. All the rest is the non-fat tissue of the body.

How to calculate caloric intake: other formulas

The calculator we already mentioned above, but there are also usual calculations. In order to lose weight, you need.

For women:

  • 17-31 years old - (.062 Xm + 2,036)? 240.
  • 31-61 years old - (0,034Х m + 3,54)? 240.
  • From 62 years - (0,04Х m + 2,75)? 240.

For men:

  • 17-31 years - (0,063Х m + 2,9)? 240.
  • 31-61 years - (0,05Х m + 3,65)? 240.
  • From 62 years - (0,05Х m + 2,46)? 240.

Where m is the body weight in kilograms. What you have to get is multiplied by the ratio of your physical activity: 1.1 - low activity; 1.3 - average activity, 1.5 - active person.

We really hope that our article will help you to calculate your daily diet and ideal weight correctly!

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