Stewed cabbage can be both a main course,and addition to the main. If you are interested in how many calories in stewed cabbage, you need to consider the type of cabbage, as well as those ingredients that you add during cooking (carrots, tomatoes or tomatoes, onions, condiments). Let's figure out how to determine the calories of stewed cabbage.

Braised cabbage

As stated earlier, the calorie content of stewedCabbages are also affected by the ingredients that you add during cooking. Caloric content of cabbage during heat treatment increases approximately 3 times. On average, 100 grams of stewed cabbage with pork minced contain about 150 kcal, cabbage with chicken - 150 kcal, and a simple cabbage with carrots - only 40 kcal. If you use other ingredients, the calorie content will change.

Calculate the approximate number of calories fromusing calculators to calculate calories. On the Internet, quite a lot of different options, as an example you can use the calculator of calories. Here you can choose not only the number of products used, but also the way they are processed, and the program will calculate the approximate number of calories in the dish you have chosen.

Caloric content of cabbage

Since cabbage is the main ingredient of this dish, you should know how many calories are contained in different cabbage (fresh vegetable):

Type of cabbage Caloric content (kcal)
kohlrabi 42
broccoli 34
Brussels sprouts 33
cauliflower 28
White cabbage 27
sea ​​kale 24
Chinese cabbage 16

From these figures it is clear that the most dietary is the Peking cabbage.

In addition to the methods of processing, as well as the dishes that are prepared from different types of cabbage, you can find out from the section Cabbage.

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