Numerous publications in the periodiceditions, newspapers and web resources, are the reason for the frequent refusal of parents to vaccinate children. Parents argue their decision by the fact that after usual childhood vaccinations a child may have all sorts of complications, allergic reactions and other problems. And what about the statistics, which testifies to the child mortality due to diseases that arise due to parents' refusal to vaccinate. After all, many vaccinations protect the children's organism from those diseases, from which entire cities and countries have died out before. Therefore, no one can say for sure whether to vaccinate a child: neither parents nor specialists. Although, of course, they insist on vaccinating children on the schedule, which is set at the legislative level.

What is the role of childhood vaccinations

All childhood vaccinations are necessary to ensure thatthe organism of the child has developed immunity to infectious diseases - it can appear for two reasons. Either the child will have an infectious disease, or he will be vaccinated. As you know, two evils are chosen less, namely, vaccination. Many parents, arguing whether to vaccinate children or not, forget that refusal to vaccinate can harm a child even more than the vaccine itself.

In fact, if the vaccination is carried out in accordancewith all the rules and regulations, it can not harm the child. But at the same time, only the medical staff and the quality of the vaccine determine the success of the event. Experts argue that the most protected from infectious diseases are newborns that are fed by breastmilk. It contains natural antibiotics, it is saturated with useful microelements and other components. Artificial feeding does not contribute to strengthening the immunity of the child's body, especially if it is a premature baby.

Total vaccination of children does not allowInfectious diseases spread with great speed. At the same time, even vaccinations against such socially active and significant diseases as tuberculosis and hepatitis B, made to the child in the hospital, do not allow to significantly reduce the incidence of these infectious diseases. It should be remembered that the vaccinations made in the maternity hospital lose their relevance after a certain period of time, so vaccinations must be repeated, in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

Consequences of refusal of vaccinations

As already mentioned above, inoculations from twodiseases are done in the hospital. But, is it worth it to vaccinate children in a polyclinic at the place of residence? Or to refuse that the child was vaccinated against rubella and mumps, measles and diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis. This is not the entire list of diseases that your child can avoid today if he is vaccinated.

Refusing to be vaccinated, parents shouldunderstand what the consequences are for their baby. Moreover, does not mean that the above infectious diseases can manifest themselves in childhood. If a person who is not vaccinated in childhood has an infection in the body, the consequences from her action will be much more serious. Yes, and carry much heavier so-called "childhood diseases", in adulthood. It is for this reason that many people do not think about whether to vaccinate children or not?

To further convince parents that theirthe child should be vaccinated in accordance with the national calendar of vaccinations, explain the consequences of simple at first glance diseases. So, one of the complications of mumps is male infertility. Parotitis has a negative effect on the pancreas, resulting in the development of diabetes mellitus. If an unvaccinated child gets measles, then he may have a change in the cerebral cortex, and poliomyelitis is the cause of irreversible changes in the bone system. As a result, a child may become disabled.

Preparing the child for vaccination

Parents should understand what to do to vaccinateabsolutely healthy child, who does not have any symptoms of acute respiratory disease, including the common cold. In no case, it is impossible to inoculate against any disease, if a child has a fever on the eve or on the day of vaccination. Pay attention, before you prepare the child for vaccination, you need to measure the temperature. It should be no more than 36.6 degrees. If the temperature is at 37 degrees, vaccination should be postponed, since such a temperature for a child's body is considered not normal, but increased.

Preparation of the child for vaccination should be reduced tominimum risks associated with the appearance of certain complications after vaccination. Be sure to see the pediatrician before going to the vaccination room. If the child's condition raises some doubts in the parents or the pediatrician, it is necessary to perform elementary tests - blood and urine. In the case when a certain infection progresses in the body of the baby, for which the increase in temperature is uncharacteristic, a general analysis of blood and urine, in any case, will reveal a latent infection.

In the process of preparing the child for vaccination, notIt is necessary to forget about contra-indications, characteristic for children's inoculations. So, there are temporary contraindications and relative ones. Temporary contraindications do not allow vaccination for a certain time, after specific diseases. Relative contraindications are characteristic for a number of diseases, a list of which is available for every pediatrician. Therefore, consulting with the pediatrician as to whether the child is infected after vaccination, or not, ask what diseases prevent the vaccination of children in general.


We hope that the above information has helpedyou make the right conclusions. And now, you know exactly whether you need to vaccinate a child at an early age. Of course, every parent is responsible for his child, and only he has the right to resolve all issues related to vaccinations, medical and preventive examinations. However, before making a decision that may adversely affect the health of your baby, think about whether you are doing the right thing.

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