Poliomyelitis is a dangerous virala disease that affects children and adolescents (in most cases, the disease affects children under 10 years old). This disease affects the human brain and spinal cord, leads to various forms of paralysis - they are successfully cured in half the cases, or cause violations of moderate and severe severity.

Symptoms and causes of poliomyelitis

The first symptoms of poliomyelitis are headache,fever and diarrhea, sore throat, nausea and vomiting, runny nose, cough. At the first stages of the development of the disease, a variety of neurological disorders can be observed.

Know what poliomyelitis is and how it isis not enough - you need to understand, because of what it arises, in order to protect children from severe consequences. Causes poliomyelitis virus, which is carried by airborne droplets, spreads with unwashed products and secretions of patients. To reduce the risk of getting infected with polio, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the premises and treat the products with hot water.

It helps against poliomyelitis and vaccination - about how and when it should be done, you can find out from the article When to vaccinate a child.

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