Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. He, according to experts, with the correct mode of cultivation, processing, storage and brewing is completely harmless.

Can the child have tea

The answer to this question depends on what kind of tea. Teas are black, green and herbal. In black and green tea contains substances useful to the children's body - potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamins, proteins, amino acids. But there are also harmful to the child - tannin, tein (tea caffeine), kakhetin.

Surely you can give your child a special childtea, focused on the baby from 6 months and older. Also approved is a decoction of chamomile. This tea has a beneficial effect on the child's immune system. After a special medical consultation, herbal teas are recommended for use in a sedative manner and stimulate the work of the digestive tract.

The daily dose of tea for a baby should not exceed200 ml. Can I give tea to an older child? There are no specific and precise medical rules on this score. It is recommended to refrain from full-fledged reception of tea, especially green tea, for children under three years old. Nevertheless, tea is much more useful than sugar-containing juices and drinks.

A child under three is not recommended to consumeblack tea before bed, even slightly concentrated and with the addition of milk. The fact is that caffeine, contained in tea, dilates blood vessels, increases tone, excites the child.

Is it possible for children to drink tea during their growing up? Parents themselves must solve this issue, based on the characteristics of the organism of their child.

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