In disputes about whether it is possible to get pregnant kvass,Only common sense can win. But first of all you need to understand that a pregnant woman is not alone, she is carrying a new person under the heart. So, can you get pregnant with kvass?

Absolutely not. For example, in Europe kvass is considered beer, that is, no one denies that it contains alcohol. And since inside the womb the baby grows and develops exclusively by dividing the cells, alcohol in kvass (by the way, alcohol - endoplasmic poison destroying the cells) can harm his health. Do not forget that one shattered cell can be a future pen or eye of a baby.

The technology of kvass production is based onfermentation. And this means that, willy-nilly, it is saturated with gases. In addition, many grades of kvass are gassed at enterprises. Carbonated drinks can cause flatulence in pregnant women, thus increasing intrauterine pressure, which can significantly damage the baby.

Another unaccounted fact is the release of toxic substances during fermentation. They are few, but the health of mother and child is more valuable than a glass of kvass.

Kvass, manufactured and poured in industrialconditions, it is done not at home recipes, but with the addition of flavors, sweeteners, acidity regulators and so on. Preservatives, for example, are all aseptic. And this greatly affects the intestinal microflora of the future mother, which will also negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

And in general, since you will become a mother, become at the same time and an expert on proper nutrition.

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