In the old days kvass was considered a very useful drink. He was often given sick, and weakened to strengthen his health. Modern studies of the properties of kvass, prove the positive effect of kvass on the human body. Kvass perfectly quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach, metabolism, prevents the development of pathogens. According to scientists, kvass can strengthen teeth, as it contains calcium. Also in kvass contains vitamins of group B, amino acids and magnesium.

Previously there was an opinion that kvass can notuse it for people suffering from alcoholism, because it contains a small dose of alcohol. But in fact, kvass in this case can have a positive impact. A person who has drunk kvass does not want to drink beer or stronger drinks. But this applies only to domestic kvass. Can I drink kvass from the barrels that stand near the markets? - you ask. This is at your discretion, as in one barrel can be a good and fresh kvass, and in another already expired. Before you drink such kvass, you can ask the seller for the presence of certain documents and sanitary examinations.

Another thing - homemade kvass, according to the already provenyears prescription. It does not contain colorants and preservatives, which can negatively affect human health, and worsen the indices of thirst quenching. Kvass houses are prepared with the addition of only natural substances, kvass becomes more useful and can be consumed by the majority of the adult population. But there is a kvass and contraindications. Kvass should not be used by people who suffer from certain diseases. It:

  • Gastritis
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Cancer
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Hypertonic disease

Despite the full benefit of this drink, kvass alsoYou can not use mothers who feed newborns, as well as children under three years of age. Babies from the use of the mother of kvass may start colic. But children, even in the future, should be given only home or tested kvass, for the quality of which you will be confident.

Can pregnant women drink kvass

According to doctors, to consume kvass to pregnant womenit is possible only home production, and then, only at your own peril and risk, since the organism of each individual, and to different women, in this situation, kvass can have a different effect. Among the possible manifestations of the use of kvas during pregnancy is worth noting:

  • Fermentation in the intestines
  • Increase in the tone of the uterus
  • Puffiness of the extremities

Therefore, how this drink affects you, nobody knows if it is worth trying to solve for you, but doctors recommend if you drink kvass during pregnancy, then only one glass a day.

Can I use kvass while driving?

Immediately after the introduction of the law, according to whichthe level of alcohol in the blood of the driver should be equal to zero per mille, panicked a lot of motorists who like not only to drink at the wheel of kvass, but also kefir, and koumiss. Consider how kvass increases the level of alcohol in the blood. Kvass in bottles:

  • 2 ppm immediately after use
  • 0.1 ppm after 5 minutes

Kvass barrel:

  • 5 ppm, immediately after consumption
  • 0.4 ppm, after 5 minutes
  • 0.2 ppm, after 10 minutes.

As you can see, you do not need to drink kvass at the wheel,because the breathalyzer can show the presence of alcohol in the blood even after 10 minutes of using kvass. I hope, after reading this article, you have drawn conclusions whether it is possible to drink kvass in different situations and what it is worth to drink kvass, and what not.

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