Medicine defines migraine as a neurologicalThe disease, the main symptom of which are regular attacks of headache. In this case, the headache is often so intolerable that people are ready to "climb walls". The causes of seizures can be varied, but people who suffer from migraines are more interested in how to get rid of a headache. Everything becomes easier, thanks to freedom of access to information on the Internet.

Popular methods of fighting migraine

The fight against migraine is divided into three categories:

  • Conventional treatment;
  • Prevention;
  • Abortive treatment.

Let's consider in detail all the techniques.

  • Conventional treatment. It presupposes a comprehensive treatment, including medication and non-medicamental prophylaxis. Such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist who will help to identify factors that provoke attacks of headaches and the nature of the disease. Treatment rarely completely prevents seizures, but reduces their intensity and softens the symptoms. The following medicines are usually taken during treatment:
    • analgesics (paracetamol, aspirin);
    • antidepressants (amitriptyline);
    • anticonvulsants (valproic acid);
    • serotonin agonists (sumatriptan);
    • Natural preparations oforigin. A popular remedy, which reduces almost twice the number of seizures, is an extract of a butterbur. Also, large doses of vitamin B2 reduce the likelihood of nervous disorders, which often cause headaches.
  • Prevention. Prevention is to identify factors that provoke attacks of headache, and in their subsequent prevention. The main methods of reducing the number of seizures are:
    • adherence to sleep (spillage, like lack of sleep, is a stressful factor);
    • avoidance of mental and physical overwork;
    • avoidance of stressful situations and unrest;
    • cessation of drug use (including alcohol, nicotine and caffeine).
  • Abortive treatment. Coping seizures is a struggle not with causes, but with consequences. A sick migraine usually begins to think about how to get rid of a headache when the attack begins and the pain does not go away by itself. The way to relieve suffering is usually found by the patients themselves using the trial method. If you have had a headache, that's what you should try to calm the pain. First, provide the body with complete peace. Eliminate all the annoying factors, noise, bright light. Massage your neck and head at the base of the skull, this will help normalize blood circulation. Try Chinese massage - acupressure. Traditional Chinese medicine has long established itself throughout the world, and a good acupressure can be very effective in your case. Sour the whiskey menthol pencil or "asterisk". Prilyagte, try to relax. Under the neck, place a hot-water bottle with hot or cold water (try different options). If the head continues to hurt - take a bath, hot or cool - choose your option. Add aromatic oil to the water - this will help you relax. If you do not want to take a bath, try simply to wet your head with hot or cold water, and then tighten your head with a towel. If the head continues to split and neither peace, nor massage, nor water procedures with aromatherapy can save - you can take an analgesic medication (analgesic or paracetamol), but it is better to refrain from frequent medications, because they only relieve pain at first, but with prolonged use give a reverse effect, causing a "medicinal migraine." If the pain does not go away within 24 hours - call a doctor, especially if the attack is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and other uncharacteristic symptoms.

Surgical intervention

In 2009, scientists from the University Hospitals CaseMedical Center (Cleveland, USA) published the result of a ten-year study, which stated that the trigeminal nerve irritation caused by spasm of the muscles around it could be the cause of migraines, and Botox injection and removal of the corresponding muscles weakened, or completely eliminated in patients with attacks of headaches. During the following year, 57% of migraine patients who underwent such surgery were completely relieved of headaches, and 83% noted a significant decrease in the intensity of seizures. The medicine does not stand still and, probably, soon the migraine will cease to be a terrible nightmare, and people will no longer be interested in the question of how to get rid of the headache.

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