Khmoba is now practically the standard of fashion. How many women seek this fashion to fit and sit down on all sorts of diets, starve, take medication or exhaust yourself with physical exertion! Someone maintains sanity and knows how to stop in time, someone is less lucky, and their desire to lose weight by any means turns into a nervous anorexia.

Anorexia is considered a fashionable disease, many are interested in how to get sick with anorexia, but people do not think about the consequences.

What is anorexia really?

Anorexia is a mental illness, in fact,this obsessive, pathological desire to lose weight, distorted perception of one's own body and the figures of other people. Anorexia occurs in those whose psyche is initially unstable and vulnerable. More often they are teenagers, people with weak nervous system and neurasthenics.

Anorectics are not able to adequately assess their ownbody, they are always sure that they are fat, fat and ugly, and the true beauty comes only with leanness. By leanness, they value other people's attractiveness, and the most stringent requirements are made to themselves. Anorectic does not notice how his body changes, he sees on himself a non-existent fat and will not stop in his desire to lose weight ever. For anorexic, giving up food is like a drug. Do not eat brings him pleasure, and weight loss for him is a real buzz. And an overdose in either case can result in death.

How a person develops anorexia

How do you get anorexia? First you need to have a predisposition to mental disorders, then you have to consider yourself terribly fat and disgustingly ugly person and have a cult of thinness in your mind, and then you have to give up eating, exhaust your body, turn into a skeleton and die before you reach 30.

Those who say: "I want to get sick with anorexia," often do not know what happens to the body. This is not an ideal weight loss pill, which simply helps to lose weight, it is a serious illness.

  • First, the excess fat disappears from the body, it seems - that's happiness, it's time to stop, but the anorektik does not see this and believes that nothing has changed, and it is horribly fat.
  • Then all the fat goes away, along with it a healthy complexion, a pop, a chest, a figure becomes flat, clothing hangs, monthly disappear, hormonal disorders occur.
  • Then the muscle mass begins to go away, the clothes are no longer hung, the skin is hanging, which is emptied, and it has nothing to fill. From this stage, treatment can no longer be saved.
  • Then internal organs are atrophied - they are denied one by one, as they are not needed by the owner. And then comes death from exhaustion.

Anorexia is not a cold, it can not be cured by pills, and the harm it does to the body is sometimes too great.

If you go to lose weight, better sit on a diet, go in for sports or get infected with worms, it will not hurt you as much as a mental disorder that will not let you enjoy leanness.

If you want to get anorexia, becauseit's fashionable and stylish, then it's better to follow the fashion in a different way, or just choose another starry way of suicide. Beautiful and popular from anorexia are treated in clinics, do you have money for it? Will you be able to save before your weight and age are the same?

If you need to get attention and getcare, you can just ask about it. Approach a man and ask him to spend time with you, do not force him to visit you in the hospital, do not expect that you will enjoy with rapture the way you are asked to eat. Be honest, do not manipulate.

If you do not like your body so much, betterwork on it - sports, dancing, healthy diets. There are many ways to change yourself, do not go easy, because it will not lead you to anything good.

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