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How to lose weight in the waist?

Beautiful thin waist dream to get manygirls. That for this it is necessary to do, how to eat, what exercises to do, it is necessary to consider in detail. Careful approach to this issue is simply necessary, since it is the waist, abdomen, sides and hips that lose weight lastly with various diets.

How to lose weight in the waist - tips

We need not only to eat right, exercise, but also to know how all this works so as not to get the opposite effect.

Exercises for weight loss in the waist

  1. To lose weight at the waist, do not perform exercises on oblique abdominal muscles. So the waist does not grow thin, and muscles in this area are strengthened.
  2. From the initial standing position, it is possible to perform inclines to the sides.
  3. If you want to reduce the waist, then the hoop is simplyirreplaceable. In a day 4 you will see the changes! Of course, everything will depend on the initial condition, but you can lose weight at the waist for a week at least a little. To do this, twist the hoop 2 times a day for 15 minutes. To begin with, you can start twisting the hoop 4-5 minutes, increasing the time each day. For weight loss of the waist and abdomen is better to twist the hoop often, rather than once and for long.

Lose Weight in Waist Fast - Wraps

Stocks of coffee can not only lose weight in the waistline quickly, but also get rid of cellulite. Lose weight in the waist and sides, as well as in the thighs, coffee wraps will also allow fast. We need:

  • 100 gr. natural coffee,
  • boiling water,
  • thermo film (food film will fit).


  1. Properly prepare the skin in the waist area with a scrub or peeling. In a conventional shower gel, you can add a little coffee, so you will get a more effective peeling.
  2. 100 gr. pour the coffee with boiling water. Water pour so much to form a thick coffee porridge.
  3. Let this thicket cool to a warm state (up to 40 °).
  4. Apply a thick layer of coffee grounds to the waist (or sides, hips, abdomen).
  5. Wrap yourself with a thermo film in this area.
  6. Wrap this place with a blanket and lie down with such a compress for 40-50 minutes.

Lose weight in waist, belly and sides with massage

Massage can be done by yourself. You will need to buy a firming cream for the body (you can again on a coffee basis). Apply it every day to problem areas, pinching yourself there for 10-15 minutes. Excess fat from the waist will be burned much faster if you perform this procedure every day.

Nutrition or how to lose weight in the waist

You will have to change the diet if youused to eat fried potatoes and mayonnaise, chips, smoked products, drink lemonades. All this will prevent weight loss. Losing weight to a man at the waist is as difficult as a woman. For this, we refuse fried, salted, smoked. All this keeps the fluid in the body. And you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

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