How to properly pump muscles?
The desire to pump muscle often occurs inmen. How to properly pump up the muscles, not many know. It is well-known fact about how the participants of the ancient olympiads did it. In order to properly pump the muscles of the body, they lifted the calf, the calf grew, the weight of its body increased, and at the same time the load on the muscles of the participant increased. We will not use the calf, but simply take note of this principle. So, let's talk how to properly pump the muscles of the body.
We swing the muscles of the body: important points
Immediately note, if you do not have the opportunity to visithall with a personal trainer, do not worry, since it is possible to pump the muscles of the house correctly. This requires an hour of time every day and your desire. To begin it is necessary to increase the mass of your body (remember the calf), for this you can put a backpack behind your back and put something heavy in it, the daily load should be increased.
How to properly pump the muscles of the hands
So, let's start with pull-ups. Vis on the crossbar, palms on the width of the shoulders, are deployed to themselves. It is important to breathe correctly (not only by performing this exercise), rise - inhale, lower - exhale. To begin with, you need to do 3 pull-ups and change the position of the hands to "fingers on top", pull up also 3 times. It is important to perform exercises without jerks, very smoothly, evenly distributing the load. After 2-3 days, increase the width of the grip. Pulling will help pump the muscles of the hands.
How to properly pump up the muscles of the chest
Turning to push-ups - the best way quicklyPump up muscles. If possible, perform this exercise on clenched fists, exercise should be performed smoothly, without forgetting to breathe properly: drop - inhale, rise - exhale. More information on the technique of push-ups can be found in the article "How to properly press?". It is not necessary to hurry, as it is hardly possible to pump up muscles correctly and quickly (we mean haste). If you just started training, enough 5 to 6 approaches 5 times, increase the number of approaches gradually, in the end do until fatigue. By following these recommendations, you will know how to properly pump the pectoral muscles.
How to properly pump the muscles of the press
Let's work with the muscles of the press. This is the most easily accessible muscle, so many exercises. Find, about what to rest your feet, rest against, bend your knees at the right angle. Gently rise, then descend. I note that the neck does not hurt, you need to find any point on the ceiling, and when lifting the body look at it, without changing the position of the head and neck. For starters, you can do the exercise 8-10 times, then change a little, when lifting the body, alternating, turn left, then right (work out oblique muscles), also repeat 8-10 times. Do not forget about breathing! It is also important when lowering the housing, do not touch the floor.
We swing our leg muscles
Now priposedaem. We should not forget about the legs and how to properly pump the muscles of the legs. For best results, we take in hand dumbbells (if they are not there - plastic bottles filled with wet sand), note that the weight in the hands should not exceed the weight in the backpack. We keep the dumbbells (or bottles) on extended arms in front of us. The back is straight, legs are shoulder-width apart. Squat and get up slowly. If you are just starting, perform 14 sit-ups. It would be enough.
How to properly pump the muscles of the back
Lie on your stomach, legs under the support (for example, a sofa),hands behind the head, the backpack is still on the back, slowly raise and lower the upper part of the trunk, you can help yourself with your hands. Complete 5 approaches. Do not forget about breathing. This exercise will help to work well and pump up the muscles of the back.
Shaking the shoulders
A small set of exercises will help you learn how to properly pump the muscles of the shoulders.
- Sitting in a chair, hands with dumbbells at the top, then dilute to the sides and bend at the elbows.
- Stand near the wall, take turns raising your hands with dumbbells in front of you.
- Stand at the wall at the same time raise your hands with dumbbells in the sides.
You can start with 10 repetitions, not forgetting aboutbreath. After a workout, rest, you can lie down, but do not fall asleep. I recommend taking a stroll in the fresh air, thinking about something pleasant, but not about exercises. If you want to eat - eat, preferably more protein food. Protein is abundant in meat, fish, eggs, seafood.
You can also see how to properly pump the muscles. Video clips on the Internet are many.