On the map


If you are interested in rock climbing and enoughhave been prepared, you can very well make an attempt to climb the highest mountain in Russia - Elbrus. Consider in the article, where Elbrus is and why he is so famous.

Sometimes Elbrus is called a separate mountain, sometimes a mountain range, but by nature, Elbrus is an extinct volcano with slopes, which are now favored by many tourists and climbers.

Also, many regions argue for the right to assignElbrus to any subject of the Russian Federation. There is an opinion that he completely belongs to Kabardino-Balkaria, but also they speak about the border position of Elbrus for this republic and Karachaevo-Cherkessia. The only true is the fact that Elbrus belongs to the Greater Caucasus Range, and it is located in the system of the Lateral Ridge. Speaking of Mount Elbrus as a mountain massif, the researchers distinguish it from the western and eastern peaks, which differ from each other in their altitude. Therefore, this region is suitable not only for mountaineers, but also you can go for skiing.

Also you may be interested in the article Which mountains are the highest.

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