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The capital of Uzbekistan Tashkent is the mosta large city of Central Asia. It is the largest city in the country, its industrial, cultural and political center. Let's consider in more detail where Tashkent is located.

Geographical features of Tashkent

The city is located in the north-east of Uzbekistan(central part of Central Asia), practically on the border with Kazakhstan, from which to Tashkent is only 25 kilometers. Here begins the foothills of the Tien Shan, which simulates the local landscape. The city is located in the zone of seismic activity. There are often earthquakes that cause considerable destruction. One of the largest occurred in 1966, when the city suffered greatly.

Tashkent is located in the valley of the river Chirchik. Not far from Tashkent is a balneological resort, in the north-east of the city Chimgan mountains begin. Local landscapes remind little of the semi-desert plains of Central Asia that are familiar to the eye. The terrain here is mountainous, even there are ski resorts. The mountains are covered with forests and nearby there is a developed system of reservoirs.

The nearest major city is Dushanbe, the capitalTajikistan, is located at 421 kilometers. In addition to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan borders on Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek - the capital - 538 km, with Afghanistan, to its capital Kabul - 1,129 km, Turkmenistan, its capital Ashgabat is located from Tashkent to 1,312 km. The largest neighbor is Kazakhstan, its capital Astana is located in 1769 kilometers.

From Moscow to Tashkent, 3398 kilometers. We will have to transit through Kazakhstan.

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