In the solar system there are nine (ifconsider the dwarf planet Pluto) diverse in their characteristics of the planets. One of them is Mars. What is Mars, what are the astronomical features of this planet?

Mars is the planet of the solar system, occupying the fourth place from the Sun. Named in honor of the ancient Roman god of War - Mars, which in Greek mythology corresponds to Ares.

The main characteristics of the planet

Mars is the seventh largest planet andsizes inferior to the Earth almost 10 times. The surface of Mars has a reddish hue: this color is given to it by iron oxide. Mars has a rather rarefied atmosphere and a varied relief. So, on this planet you can find craters, volcanoes, valleys and even deserts. Along with this, there are glaciers similar to terrestrial ones.

Mars has 2 small moons - Phobos and Deimos.

The day on the planet lasts just over 24 hours, and the time for which Mars makes a complete revolution around the Sun is 687 Earth days.

With regard to the suitability of conditions for life,most likely, it is not available to a modern person, in view of the strong concentration of carbon dioxide on the planet, which complicates the oxygen breathing habitual to us. Is there any life on Mars?

It should be noted that astronomy by now has accumulated enough knowledge about the state of this planet and continues to replenish this piggy bank.

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