On the map


Cherepovets is a large Russian city, it belongs toThe Vologda region. Cherepovets can boast of being able to surpass both the population and industrial development of its administrative center - Vologda.

And where is Cherepovets?

Geographical location of the city

Cherepovets is located in the central part of the East European Plain, in the south-west of the Vologda Region near the Rybinsk Reservoir.

Exact coordinates of the city - 59about08 ", 37about, 55 ".

Cherepovets is located approximately at the same distance from Moscow and St. Petersburg - 530 kilometers. Up to Vologda from Cherepovets - 140 km.

The city stands on three rivers - Sheksna, Yagorba and Serovka.

The city's area is 121 km2.

The population of Cherepovets is 316 thousand people.

Economy and culture of Cherepovets

The city has a high level of development, is characterized by economic stability, and therefore regularly contributes to the federal budget and, therefore, makes an important contribution to the development of the country as a whole.

It is important to note that Cherepovets does not differonly developed industry, but also a cultural component. In the city there is Cherepovets State University. Cherepovets is the only city in Russia that is not an administrative center, but has a classical university.

The city actively develops and supports creative teams and sports sections. Many artists and athletes from Cherepovets are widely known outside the Vologda region.

Cherepovets often hosts various championshipsand competitions, not only regional and all-Russian, but also international ones. Also, the city organizes a lot of interesting annual festivals, and therefore, of course, this city is worth a visit.

How to get to Cherepovets is best, read in the article How to get to Cherepovets.

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