Due to the fact that the speech has different letters andsounds, it acquires various qualities. For example, vowel sounds give speech a certain melody and melody, and their different manner of performance and sound can be the basis of local adverbs and dialects.

How many in the Russian language are vowel sounds andletters? It is necessary to understand the difference between sounds and letters. We use the letters on the letter, and the sounds are pronounced. Vowel sounds in Russian are less than letters. There are six of them:

  • [a], [э], [и], [о], [у], [ы].

The letters are in Russian 10:

  • a, y, o, u, e, i, w, e, u, e.

All of them are used on the letter.

Some vowels (e, e, w, i) give iotated sounds, which are formed with the help of "i", but they are rather derivative than pure sounds.

How many vowels in Russian can be useful to you.

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