In Latin so called the place to listen,speeches. In Russian, the word "audience" defines a room that is intended for oral presentations, lectures, seminars in front of a certain (depending on the size of the audience) the number of people, the public.

  • What is the audience? This is a specially equipped, usually a large room. In it most of the areas are occupied by places for the placement of listeners (usually chairs or chairs oriented in one direction). There is also a scene with a rostrum. Behind the scene is a whiteboard and / or a screen for visual information placement. It uses multi-lamp illumination of audiences, equipping them with large wide windows for maximum illumination. At present, all higher educational institutions are equipped with auditoriums. In schools, these rooms are called the assembly hall.
  • And the audience is the mass of people whois an object for the impact of something or someone. This can be advertising, propaganda, educational lecture, literature and art, education, entertainment, finally. Everywhere there is, as they say, its own audience. Also, a certain audience of people can be influenced by a person, as a rule, charismatic. There is also the concept of "target audience" - the group of persons on whom the message is directed.

On how to influence the audience, read in the material How to collect people.

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